Discover your purpose and live an extraordinary life!
Nurture your personal habits in balance with life’s natural rhythms
Lifecycles & Lifestyles 2023 has been revised and updated with:
New additional content | More kriyas and meditations | New manual and course presentation
Learn to identify the habits, attitudes and practices that help or hinder your life in the present, past and future.
Explore, examine and map out the stages and cycles of your life to stay connected to your natural rhythms.
Develop a comprehensive understanding of the concept of death to help overcome any fear and anxiety you may have towards it.
Renew your self-concept by aligning with your purpose to create a meaningful and fulfilling life.
Course Statement
“I cultivate promoting habits that are in balance with the natural stages and rhythms of my life and environments. I invite success by having a clear purpose and sense of self. I accomplish my goals with progressive, proportionate actions. I am aware of how to live and die consciously. I continuously clear my subconscious so I can act intentionally with grace and purpose.”
Experience + Expertise + Humanity =
our formula to create a context and space for deep learning in the Aquarian way
Led by a compassionate and supportive group of trainers from around the globe:
Seva Kaur Khalsa
Lead Trainer
She is a Karam Kriya teacher and Consultant, Kundalini Yoga teacher, teacher trainer and Sat Nam Rasayan Healer. She began studying Yoga and Personal Growth at the age of 12 and returned several years later in London, where she was trained as a Kundalini Yoga instructor and Karam Kriya Consultant. She left her profession as a Creative advertising and in the last 14 years has been entirely dedicated to impart these teachings.
Sat Guru Kaur Khalsa
I am certificated by KRI in level 1 and 2 of Kundalini Yoga, and Lead Trainer. Enjoy travelling through South America (Mexico, where originally took my first level 1 with Sat Nam Kaur Foster in DF), London, Portugal, France and Spain.
Mantra Simran Kaur
Mary Baker, Mantra Simran Kaur, is a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance, which acknowledges the completion of a yoga teacher training with an approved and active Registered Yoga School (RYS). She also is a Level 2 KRI Certified Practitioner of Kundalini Yoga and Y12SR Leader.
Inderjot Kaur
Professional Trainer in the Academy, she loves both teaching and coordinating programs that offer an experience of well-being, both physically and spiritually. In 2017 she opened Casa Prem, a yoga school in Guadalajara, where the main focus is to work through collaborations of teachers locally and internationally.
Course Schedule
You will learn and practice how to:
This program is tailored to individuals seeking personal transformation,
offering insights and tools to help you tap into your full potential and find
meaning in all aspects of your life.
A Practitioner or Teacher of Meditation or Yoga;
A Therapist, Psychologist or Health Professional;
An Educator, Leader, Entrepreneur or Agent of Change…
you can find purpose in every cycle with the Life Cycles & Lifestyles online program, guiding you towards a fulfilling and purpose-driven existence.
Full price: $895
SPECIAL price: $795
Senior 55+ | Full Time Student | Veteran | International | IKYTA or NYKTA member
Course Prices Are In USD And Include:
- 6 days of live online classes;
- 90 day integration, small group work and follow up;
- Lifetime access to Student Platform with video recordings and additional materials;
- eBook Manuals + 25% off Printed Manuals;
- Letter of Completion for Level 2 Certificate (for certified Level One Teachers).
* Refer to FAQ’s for Small Group and Certification Requirements
Frequently Asked Questions:
This course is fully online.
Course schedule:
Aquarian Sadhana: 5:00 – 7:30 am PST
Group Sessions with Trainers 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
(breaks and lunch time included)
Small Group Meetings: 2 additional hours in between each class day
Sadhana will be offered and led by the different student groups everyday of the course.
Classes will begin every day at 8:30 am MST (New Mexico Time) and end around 4:30 pm MST (New Mexico Time). Click here to check the time in your city.
In between each daily session there will be about 2 hours of small group work-study time. Groups will be assigned according to time zones, to facilitate meeting.
Small group work is of great importance during Level 2 modules. It is an integral part of your development as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher.
Level 2 is a transition from Level 1, where the Foundation is laid and you go from student to teacher to Level 3, which is a self-Realization journey where instructors are no longer present and the 1,000 day process is done with peer group support. So level 2 is this bridge of Transformation, where there are still Trainers but you are beginning to work in establishing the sense and meaning of Sanghat and how crucial it is in your learning process while you support each other.
Group meetings are not only a requirement for certification but they are there for a pedagogical and developmental reason.
Small groups will be assigned based on time zone or preference if you have any. As a small group you will be responsible to set up the best way to communicate in order to hold the following meetings. Some time will be alloted during the first day of the training to meet with your small group and set the basis for your communication.
- Meet 2 hours a day in between class sessions to watch, read, practice and reflect upon the Yogi Bhajan’s video or other given assignments.
- Participate in co-leading a group Aquarian Sadhana during the course.
- Meet at least 3 times during the 90 day self-study period after the course is completed.
Group guidelines and assignments will be provided throughout the course.
In order to receive a completion letter for this Level 2 course you have to complete the following:
- 85% attendance to online classes
- 85% attendance to all small group gatherings, which include 2 hours in between each class and 3 meetings in the 90 day self-study period after the course is completed.
- 75% passing grade on final exam.
- 90 day meditation practice and 1 page reflection on the experience.
- Scholarship recipients must also submit proof of completion of their Seva project.
In conjunction with your Level One KRI Certification, this 300-hour/2-year certification program qualifies you for the Yoga Alliance 500-hr E-RTY certificate. It consists of five different, independent and unique 62-hour modules. Once you complete all five modules you can request your Level Two certificate from KRI here.
If you do not yet have a Level 1 KRI certificate you can still take the course.
You can apply one Level Two module before you complete the Level 1 course and still have it count towards your Level Two certificate.
If you take more than one Level Two module before completing your Level 1 program, you will not receive a letter of completion, and hence they will not “count” towards your eventual Level Two certification.
Yes! This is a great opportunity, since the Vitality and Stress course has a new format, new manuals that will give you a new learning experience. Enjoy 50% off the regular price to retake this course. Write to [email protected] for a discount code.
Through KRI’s scholarship fund, we are offering a number of application opportunities at 50% off the regular course price.
The intention is to help people around the world that need financial assistance to enroll in the program and continue their Teacher Training.
Applicants will be asked to propose and briefly describe a project they will then develop within their community as a way of sharing the teachings.
Some examples of this are:
- Teach 10 classes on a topic related to the course material
- Lead a workshop in your workplace on the benefits of meditation
- Write an article on the course topics to share with your community
- Do an in-depth research paper to share with KRI’s community of trainers, teachers and students
These are some ideas, but the possibilities are endless and aligned with your own creative flow.
Application process:
- Fill out the application here, by September 14 , 2023.
- Receive communication of scholarship grant, by September 18, 2023 and accept the application by registering in the course.
- Develop your project in the following 90 days (if the project requires more time, specify the end date)
- Complete written report to share with the Sangat how your project went
KRI is looking to share with the community your individual projects so you will be asked to document it and send it in.
Important facts:
- Scholarship amount is $447.50, you will be required to pay the remaining $447.50 before the course begins.
- Your service project should be documented so that we can share it with KRI community.
- If you do not complete your Seva project or pay for the course you will not be elegible for certification.
*If you require additional support due to extreme financial challenges, please contact us at [email protected]
To apply click here. Deadline to apply is September 14, 2023.
Register with a discount rate if you fit one of the following:
- Senior 55+
- Full Time Student
- Veteran
- International
- IKYTA or NYKTA member
If you are a Dharmic Employee, reach out to [email protected] for a special discount.
KRI has a scholarship fund for this course. If you are interested in applying, please read the information in the scholarship section.
Payment Policy:
You must be paid in full in order to secure your space in the training program. All registrants must be paid in full by October 27, 2023 in order to be granted access to the course.
Our cancellation policy is the following:
- Before September 21, 2023 – $75 fee
- Between September 2 – October 27, 2023 – $150 fee
- After March 28, 2023 – No Refund
Cancellation Policy:
For all cancellations KRI must receive your written request for a refund emailed to [email protected].