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如果您多年来一直在教授瑜伽和冥想,那么开始展示主题并为 1 级教师培训建立一个有凝聚力的课程是一个飞跃。
你如何尊重成年学习者并让他们保持参与? 您可以为学习编织哪些有意义的活动?
这个由 6 部分组成的系列将帮助您在一级培训中充分自信地交付变革性主题。
- 来自全球教育学专家的 6 小时预先录制的专业知识
- 具体工具和技术
- 使研讨会更具体验性和意义的方法
- 目前的研究对成人学习的基本特征有什么了解
- 深入了解群体动态;如何处理成人学习的这一重要方面
- 该系列最初是为教师培训师设计的,为瑜伽老师提供高水平的教学技巧
- ·开创性的瑜伽疗法信息
- 创造安全以进入自我未知的教育学
- 调整身份转换和展现的不同方式和路径——在指导团队时如何考虑到这一点
- 创造一种诚实和开放的文化——即使在心理上不舒服的情况下
- 如何通过教学手段激发和增强承诺
Adarsh’s first loves were music and dance, which she studied from the age of three. These were her most original expressions of the divine, of creativity and a way to connect to the soul. In 1999, she expanded into a dedicated study of yoga, meditation, human consciousness and healing. Adarsh soon became a Kundalini Yoga teacher, and a creator and teacher of Celestial Communication, for which she is most known. She shares these practices with an emphasis on self-love, receptivity and grace, in her hometown of Los Angeles and internationally.