欢迎访问 2024 年全民教育学习平台
第 2 级有意识交流
Sat Nam,欢迎来到第 2 层–2024 意识交流学习平台!♥
二级有意识沟通 培训团队
如有任何问题,请通过以下方式联系我们 [email protected]
我们将在每个周末的山地时间(新墨西哥州)上午 4:30 – 7:00 进行水瓶座萨达娜(Aquarian Sadhana)活动。
*由于夏令时,您所在城市的时间可能会在整个课程中发生变化。 单击此处查看您所在城市的每个周末的时间。
你可以从以下链接下载Japji和Aquarian Sadhana咒语。
- 参加了 85% 的在线课堂时间并完成了分配的补课
- 在在线课程部分参加 85% 的小组会议
- 在考试中获得 75% 或更高的及格分数
- 在课程的在线部分之后参加至少 3 次家庭学习小组电话会议
- 完成为期 90 天的指定冥想并提交您的体验反思
Yogi Bajhan Lectures Level 2 Conscious Communication
Course Day | Lecture Name | Link to Video |
Day 1 | Introduction to the Fifth Chakra. February 19, 1991. p.44 Study Guide Chapter 4 - Mastery of the Fifth Chakra & Applied Consciousness |
Day 1
Day 2 | Your Reactive Personality and Your Identity. October 29, 1984. p.50 Study Guide Chapter 5 - Shadow & Light | Day 2 |
Day 3 | Conscious Communication and the Experience of Naad. February 4, 1992. p.3 Study Guide Chapter 1 - The Experience of Conscious Communication | Day 3 |
Day 4 | The Art of Communication. July 22, 1996. p.34 Study Guide Chapter 3 - The Art of Deep Listening | Day 4 |
Day 5 | Intuitive Speaking and Applied Consciousness. March 20, 1995. p.18 Study Guide Chapter 2 - Meditative & Intuitive Speaking | Day 5 |
Day 6 | How to Pray - The Power of a Prayerful Attitude. March 29, 1996. p.58 Study Guide Chapter 6 - Communicating with the Infinite | Day 6 |
Please note that the videos and transcripts in the course have been edited, whereas the videos found in the Library of Teachings have not. You will therefore notice some differences between the links above and the printed transcripts.