服务(Seva)是瑜伽生活方式的一个重要组成部分。 我们通过帮助别人来帮助自己,我们让自己充满足够的能量,与那些需要的人分享我们所拥有的。
KRI 网站的这一部分致力于突出和支持昆达利尼瑜伽者在世界各地开展的所有令人惊叹的服务项目。
We presented Meditation as a mental Shower We explained why is important to meditate. Meditation cleanses the window of our mind and synchronises our mind and soul . It heals us and solves our problems when we reach the shunia state. It develops our committed language , balances our tattvas and gives us applied Intelligence. It develops self -mastery and enables us to face our mental intrigues. We stop reacting and behaving like animals. We stop lying and manipulating.