8月31日、 2022





很多时候,呼吸是我们生活的次要功能。 当然,直到我们发现自己喘不过气来——无论是我们跑去赶公共汽车还是爬楼梯,因为电梯正在维修。 然而,没有呼吸,我们就不再存在。

除此之外,我们的呼吸质量会影响我们的健康状况。 当然,当我们有压力或处于压力之下时,我们的呼吸往往会变得短促而浅薄。 这反过来会影响我们的内分泌系统和体内某些激素的释放。 压力大时,不仅我们的呼吸变得短促而浅,而且我们开始出汗,我们的体温也可能升高。 另一方面,当我们将注意力转移到呼吸上,并且有意识地吸气并感觉肺部充分膨胀和呼气时,随着横膈膜上下移动,我们开始感到轻松、快乐、警觉和舒适。 这是因为深呼吸,也称为横膈膜呼吸,会影响我们的内分泌系统以释放荷尔蒙,使我们的身体正常化和中和,使其处于最佳状态。 此外,横膈膜呼吸已被证明可以缓解我们身体的疼痛和酸痛:

 “There are two main branches of the autonomic nervous system; sympathetic (fight or flight) and the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and restore or rest and digest).  When one is turned on, the other is off.  People dealing with chronic pain have an activated fight or flight system.  Research done at the Pain Rehabilitation Center has shown that ten minutes of diaphragmatic breathing three times a day reduces pain and associated symptoms when done consistently for at least two weeks.”


今天的生活对所有需要我们关注和时间的事情都非常苛刻。 当我们兼顾工作和家庭生活并努力在两者之间保持健康的平衡时,这可能会让人不知所措和压力很大。

那么,我们在哪里可以为自己和我们的幸福找到时间呢? 甚至可能吗? 答案是,是的!

Whatever your current life situation is right now, you can start where you are and go forward from here by incorporating some of the simple Kundalini Yoga exercises. And it does not require much time, just a few minutes a day to start. But, I agree, it is incredibly challenging to add a new routine to our already super busy lifestyles! Therefore, it is helpful to have accountability and to be part of a community with like minded folks. We invite you to  join the upcoming  Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training, where you can learn more about the foundations of breathing and other beneficial aspects of this style of yoga.

“THE BREATH, PRANA, IS THE KEY TO LIFE, for without it there is no life; it’s also the key to your best life, your excellence. Breath control can become your greatest ally and friend. Breath is the key to balancing your hormones, your emotions, and can even help you negotiate – and win. If you can breathe slower than your counterpart, you’ll always come out ahead. Breath is a discipline and a flow. It is a wave, a vibration, carrying with it a sound current that confirms and reaffirms your divinity – sohung – inhale, so, exhale hung. “I am that; I am the breath of life.” 


有很多令人惊叹的呼吸技巧,简单而有效。 以火焰之息为例。 在短短几分钟内,它可以帮助您增强腹部肌肉,同时刺激您的消化系统并为您的大脑输送氧气,从而更好地集中注意力。 它还有助于平衡您的内分泌系统,以获得最佳的荷尔蒙功能。 火之呼吸是昆达里尼瑜伽的标志性呼吸技术,它涉及“肚脐的快速抽吸,轻盈而有节奏。当一个人将空气进出鼻子时,腹部的轻柔泵几乎不需要任何努力。相反,肚脐在每次呼气时被轻轻地拉向脊柱。吸气和呼气的长度相等,尽管吸气更多是通过放松而不是努力。除非另有说明,否则通过鼻孔和嘴巴进行喷火练习。鼓励初学者从小处着手,练习 1-3 分钟。有些人在开始练习时可能会感到头晕或头晕目眩。如果发生这种情况,请休息一下,恢复自然呼吸。” (3HO)


您认为将一些简单的瑜伽练习融入您的生活方式中会受益吗? 我当然希望如此! 当我们将身体视为使我们能够执行日常任务并享受生活时刻的工具时,我们可以轻松地转变视角,看看我们如何启用它的功能,从而使我们的生活更加轻松和快乐。

昆达里尼瑜伽是意识瑜伽,它就是这样做的! 它可以帮助你意识到你的内在自我和你的真实本性。 除了帮助您学习如何以有利于您的健康和保健的方式呼吸外,它还可以帮助您平衡内分泌系统。 这样下次面对压力大的情况时,你可以以冷静和中立的方式,并以同情和理解的方式做出反应。


  1. Bee, S. M. (2019). Diaphragmatic breathing:  why it is the secret weapon against chronic pain? ” mayo clinic connect. Retrieved August 31, 2022, from https://connect.mayoclinic.org/blog/adult-pain-medicine/newsfeed-post/diaphragmatic-breathing-why-it-is-the-secret-weapon-against-chronic-pain/
  2. Khalasa, Sat Purkh Kaur Khalasa, Editor. I Am A Woman: Creative, Sacred & Invincible, Kundalini Research Institute, Santa Cruz, NM, 2009, pp. 148–148.
  3. 3HO, Breath of Fire. (2021, September 22). 3HO. Retrieved August 31, 2022, from