从我到你 | 2022年8月

海拔 – 每个人的秘密武器

Sat Naam 向你问好!

生活中有很多东西是我们无法控制的。 尽管我们愿意,并且我们可能试图说服自己,但我们在人生旅程中的大部分经历都超出了我们的控制范围。 幸运的是,我们每个人总有一件事是我们可以学会控制的——那就是我们内心的态度。

我们可以尽力创造我们想要的外部环境。 我们应该! 我们应该努力创造一种可以为他人树立榜样的生活,并创造一个我们将自豪地留给子孙后代的世界。 但我们必须对所有这些采取行动,同时仍然不依赖于结果。

通过我们所有的努力,以及所有的人生变迁,我们总是可以努力培养我们的态度——我们的反应和我们的观点。 当看似“不好”的事情发生在你身上时,你是否会咬牙切齿地找人责备? 或者你可以采取更大或更高的视角——这都是上帝的计划,你能从中学到什么,和/或你现在如何被召唤去服务?

像这样持续提升你的观点当然不容易! 这并不意味着你永远不应该感到难过、沮丧或失望! 但是你努力能够有意识地处理这些反应性情绪,练习 pratyahar,在各种情况下找到上帝的指纹。

当然,定期练习昆达里尼瑜伽和冥想是发展提升视野的好方法! 这不是你可以在危机中去做的事情。 它就像一块肌肉,你必须发展和加强它,以便在最艰难的时期为你做好准备。

我希望并祈祷你能跟上,度过看似好的和看似糟糕的时期。 本月,与每个月一样,KRI 都会提供我们专门挑选的特别优惠,以支持您的攀登之旅。


Level One Mexico Hybrid

Taking a KRI Level One teacher training is one of the most life changing things you can do! The depth of experience and study you will go through will help lay the foundations for a lifetime of practice – plus all the skills you’ll need to share this amazing technology with others! Check out the next program that KRI will be running – which has an online portion running from November 2022 to May 2023, with a concluding 10 days in-person in Mexico.

您已经是一级认证教师了吗? 重修,只需支付课程价格的 50%!

If you are looking for a deeply transformative and spiritual journey, make sure to sign up today and take advantage of our early bird registration discount!


21 Stages of Meditation

To be able to really take ownership of your inner perspective, you need to develop a relationship with your own mind. As Guru Nanak says in Japji Sahib, “conquer your own mind and conquer the world.” The 21 Stages of Meditation course is a fantastic way to work on your relationship with your own mind. Use the subtly different energetic effects of each meditation to experience a different facet of yourself. As with all KRI certification programs, there are many around the world to explore, including one in October that KRI will be hosting.

If you register for KRI’s course by August 31st, you’ll be able to still take advantage of our early bird discount! Click here to find out more.

Level Three Teacher Training

If you are already a certified Level 2 Practitioner, you are able to continue your journey through the largely self-directed Level Three program. Through this minimum 1,000 day experience you will identify the areas you want to work on to become an even better Teacher and elevated human being. Then, with the support and accountability of a peer group, you will outline a plan and accomplish it!

每个三级旅程都从参加 Mela 开始。 今年秋天有两场大餐,都是在线的–一场是方便亚洲和大洋洲时区的大餐(9月30日、10月1日和2日,仅适用于三级新学员),另一场是11月的欧洲和美洲大餐(对三级新学员回归学员开放)。

KRI 每月特价:

The Kundalini Meditation Oracle

This beautiful deck of 60 cards, each with an individual Kundalini meditation on it, is the hottest new Kundalini Yoga product in the last 5 years! This is your last chance to get the special presale offer: we are already out of our drawstring velvet bags, so don’t miss our beautiful tote bag and the 20% discount (up to Aug 20th). They are going out fast and the free gifts are limited – get yours now! In North America you can order directly from KRI here, and in Europe, you can order from our partner, Sat Nam Europe.

Free Webinar on Social Change

Take advantage of our FREE online self-paced course, “Close the Gap between Self & Social Awareness: How to Unpack Cultural Biases, Privilege, & Micro-Aggressions” with Atma Chanan Kaur. Broken down into small, manageable sized video segments, this is a great primer on diversity, equity and inclusion.

Yogis United in Social Change – Passion with Purpose Bundle

您可以从这三个额外的、令人惊叹的社会正义在线课程中获得 50% 的折扣:

  • “Embodying Anti-Racism: Being the Change!” – 6 episodes with Kenn Strickland, Priti Darshan Kaur, Faith Hunter, Gurumukh Mark Harris, Yinka Adeniji, and Japa Khalsa
  • “The Yoga of Intersectionality” – 13 episodes with Gurumukh Mark Harris.
  • ”Revolutionary Love: Open Your Heart to Social Justice” with Nirinjan Kaur Baker & Valarie Kaur

Only up to August 31st – don’t miss out on this opportunity to broaden and deepen your social awareness with over 20h of classes.

愿我们提升自己,提升他人。 愿我们依靠我们的精神,提升我们的意识,这样我们就可以成为普世之爱的流向世界。 让我们允许任何希望参与的人都可以使用这种提升练习。 愿我们永远铭记我们的真我,我们的 Sat Naam,愿我们的行动永远来自那个崇高的地方。 愿我们每个人都能以我们独特的方式减轻世界上的痛苦。




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