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“爱过并失去总比从未爱过要好”。 ~ Alfred Tennyson
体验爱情是人生最大的财富之一,这种感觉会持续一生。 但因分离而失去所爱的人,会带来与那份爱同样程度的痛苦。 心碎的经历,或恋爱关系结束后的情感痛苦和困扰,可以像失去肢体等身体疼痛一样强烈。
心就像一朵花,随着每一次爱的体验而开放和绽放。 一朵花也会随着每一次心碎和心痛而枯萎和崩溃。
- 在这个工作坊中,你将深入了解如何训练你的心智,使之专注于爱的体验本身,而不是与人或浪漫故事有关。 爱上爱情本身。
- 你将学习如何超越居住在过去的自我心智的限制,进入中立的心智和当下,在那里,心可以大开和自由。
- 你将学会与可能存在于你心中的任何痛苦融为一体,并通过祈祷、奉献和感恩的力量将其转化为爱。
- 了解你的心,了解什么是心碎。
- 消除对个人故事的关注,保持对爱的体验。
- 不纠结于痛苦,不纠结于过去,毫无畏惧地敞开现在的体验。
- 从痛苦到祈祷。
我是沙马-考尔。 在阿拉伯语中,”Shams “是指太阳,”Sham3a “是指蜡烛,把它们放在一起,我的名字意味着照亮她内心灵魂之光的人。 我来自埃及,是一名KRI认证的昆达利尼瑜伽教师和培训师。 我也是一名健康和养生指导员。
In 2012 Shama Kaur became the first Egyptian Kundalini Yoga Teacher & Trainer. In Arabic ‘Shams’ means sun and ‘Shama’ means candle, and together her name means ‘the one who shines the light of her inner soul.’ She began teaching yoga in Egypt and is the founder of YallaYoga, an innovative Social Enterprise serving as both a yoga educational institute and a healthy lifestyle community center. Her passion for this mission has taken her across the Middle East and North Africa, where she has taught in Jordan, Kuwait, Palesinte, Dubai, Morocco and Tunis. As a Professional Trainer in ATA, she has also launched or taught in Level I and 2 Teacher Training Programs in the Mid East including Palestine, Egypt and Dubai.