昆达里尼瑜伽如何运作:HRV 和多迷走神经理论
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Anne Taylor 博士从科学的角度解释了昆达里尼瑜伽的古老智慧。 身体的“中央调弦”是什么意思,以及心脏不仅仅是一个泵。 她分享了她对古代文化和现代科学的编织研究,以支持昆达里尼瑜伽社区深入了解该技术的工作原理!
- 迷走神经
- 昆达里尼瑜伽的练习如何影响这种神经
- 多迷走神经理论
作为一家专门从事心脏监测的国际医疗器械公司的前产品开发高级总监,Anne 深谙科学方法和高价值证据医学。 然而,她也相信,当西医“为传统科学,包括瑜伽传统腾出位置”时,它会变得更加强大。
Anne 拥有纽约州立大学医学生物学学士学位和博士学位。来自 Pacifica 研究生院的神话研究,重点是深度心理学。 她的博士论文题目是:医学人文学科:通过神话和隐喻与心脏病专家对话(2010 年)。 人心是她的热情所在,她欣赏它不仅仅是一个泵。 安妮认为心脏是一种感知器官,它比许多人意识到的更强大。
[email protected]
As the former Senior Director of Product Development for an international medical device company specializing in heart monitoring, Anne is well steeped in the scientific method and highly value evidence medicine. However, she also believes that Western medicine can be even more powerful when it “makes room on the throne” for traditional sciences, including the yogic traditions. Anne holds a B.S. in Medical Biology from S.U.N.Y. and a Ph.D. in Mythological Studies with an emphasis in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. Her doctoral dissertation is entitled: Medical Humanities: Speaking to the Cardiologist through Myth and Metaphor (2010). The human heart is her passion and she appreciates the fact that it is more than a pump. Anne views the heart as an organ of perception which is more powerful than many people realize.