教学法 101:教成人学习者
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这个 6 部分的系列将帮助您在教学中进行变革性主题交付时充满信心,它肯定会改变您的一级培训。
该网络研讨会是六集系列教学法 101:为教师培训师教授成人学习者,使其成长为教师和经验丰富的教育者:
- 关于如何使讲课更符合成人学习方式的神经科学的实用建议
- 认识到在成人背景下需要经验和以项目为导向的学习
- 培养技能以指导小组的发展和学习等等!
- 成人学习者教育学
- KYTTL1 培训作为一个连续统一体和指导小组过程
- 为了有意义地传递信息,细节很重要!
- 有效地使用案例研究和角色扮演
- 安全、现实地指导身份转换
- 将这一切融合在一起——水瓶座的学习和教学对我作为一名培训师意味着什么?
Jagat Prem Kaur 是一位来自芬兰的敬业的昆达里尼瑜伽老师、教师培训师和治疗师。 在 2010 年从行政和商业顾问的职业生涯转变为全职瑜伽老师后,她将自己的力量和同情心投入到经营 Kehto 学校,这是她与丈夫 Charanpal Singh 共同创立的学习中心。 Kehto(芬兰语为摇篮)提供昆达里尼瑜伽教师培训和为期 1 至 5 年的以静修为基础的精神成长计划。
Jagat Prem Kaur 拥有社会科学硕士学位,在她以前的职业生涯中,她在大型公司和组织中从事过广泛的工作,致力于创造学习策略、环境和氛围,从而激励和鼓励成年人不仅学习新技能,而且改变身份和自我图片。 除了昆达里尼瑜伽,她还学习了其他形式的瑜伽、中医、催眠疗法和团体疗法。
她的教学风格富有同情心,但也很有力量。 Jagat Prem Kaur 不会让您选择简单的道路,她会相信并尊重您的独特性。 她是两个十几岁男孩的母亲,其中一个是被收养的,并且对特殊需要儿童及其养育方式有很多了解。 JPK 多年来一直将她的家庭住宅作为一个类似静修所的环境,因此将练习和日常生活结合在一起是她的心愿。 多年来,她领导了一百多次长期的静修、研讨会和治疗课程,因此您将在她的教学中获得经验丰富的帮助。
与 Jagat Prem 联系:
[email protected]
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Jagat Prem Kaur is a dedicated kundalini yoga teacher, teacher trainer and healer from Finland. After making a major life shift from a career of an executive & business consultant to a full time yoga teacher in 2010 she has dedicated her strength and compassion to running Kehto School, a learning center she founded together with her husband Charanpal Singh. Kehto (Finnish for cradle) offers both kundalini yoga teacher training and long, 1 to 5 years, retreat based programs for spiritual growth. Jagat Prem Kaur holds a Masters Degree in Social Sciences and in her former career she did extensive work in large companies and organizations on creating learning strategies, environments and atmosphere that motivate and encourage adults to not only learn new skills but also transform identity and self-image. In addition to kundalini yoga she has studied other forms of yoga, Chinese medicine, hypnotherapy and group therapy. Her style of teaching is compassionate yet powerful. Jagat Prem Kaur won’t let you choose the easy path and she will believe in and respect your uniqueness. She is the mother of two teenage boys, one of whom is adopted and has a lot of knowledge of special needs children and their parenting. JPK has shared her family home as an Ashram-like environment for several years so bringing practice and everyday life together is close to her heart. She has led over a hundred long retreats, workshops and healing sessions over the years so you’ll be in experienced hands with her teaching.