Meditación Abrete a la novedad en ti
5 de abril de 2000

Siéntate en la postura fácil con la columna recta y un ligero bloqueo del cuello.
Mudra: Extiende los dedos Júpiter (índice) y Saturno (medio), manteniendo el otro dedos sujetados con los pulgares. Relaje los codos a los lados del cuerpo y eleve la los antebrazos perpendiculares al suelo. Las manos están a la altura de los hombros con las palmas mirando al frente y con los dedos apuntando hacia arriba. Abrir y cerrar los dedos de Júpiter y Saturno en un movimiento de tijera. Crea un ritmo constante.
Enfoque de los ojos: Cerrado.
Respiración: No se especifica para los primeros 20 minutos. Inhala y exhala con fuerza por la boca “O” moviendo el ombligo con la respiración para 2 ½ más minutos.
Concentración mental: Concéntrese en el movimiento de los 2 dedos, cortando los pensamientos subconscientes auto-negadores.
Tiempo total: 22 ½ minutos.
Para terminar: Inhala profundamente, suspende la respiración durante 15 segundos, tira del ombligo hacia la columna vertebral,
Exhalación de Fuego de Cañón. Repite 2 veces más. Observaciones: Cuando los dedos se juntan, los pensamientos subconscientes que tienes contra ti mismo saldrán volando.
Simranjeet Kaur, also known as Jackie Wakeford-Smith, joined the Metropolitan Police Service in London in the late 80s. As part of her policing career she was trained as a specialised Sexual Offences Interview Technique Officer (SOIT). Later in her career, she led a team of detectives, dedicated solely to the investigation of rape and serious sexual assaults. During her years of service she dealt with over one thousand cases, each of them left its own imprint and impact on Simranjeet's physical and subtle bodies, which resulted in her suffering from secondary traumatic stress. As she got close to retirement, the compounded stress led to a collapse of her body and mind. She then started to practice Kundalini Yoga for her own healing process. Her immersion into the practice later led her to becoming a Kundalini Yoga teacher and trainer. Having used Kundalini Yoga for her own recovery process from prolonged secondary traumatic stress, Simranjeet was inspired to share these amazing yogic tools in the form of this beautiful book: a 40-day program using yoga and meditation to find peace within shattered pieces. Simranjeet Kaur has been practicing, studying and teaching Kundalini Yoga since 2009.
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