Sat Naam and greetings to you, yogi!
KRI’s theme for November and December is Compassion. What a perfect time to be reminded of the importance of this essential spiritual value. Compassion is feeling the pain of someone else, and then being motivated to help them. It is therefore an integral part of the commitment to seva that we hope to embody as Kundalini Yogis.
Especially with the intense polarization of the world today – we are each feeling strong pressures to turn against one another and to fight for what we believe to be right. It is normal human nature to close down our hearts when faced with situations that feel overwhelming, stressful, or put us on the defensive. But luckily, we can keep our hearts open and our radiance strong – even in the face of those kinds of challenges – with the help of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.
That gives us the foundation we need to view others with love and compassion, rather than judgment or opposition. As the 4th Sutra of the Aquarian Age says, “Understand through compassion or you will misunderstand the times.” And as KRI’s Level One Teacher Training manual elaborates – “Love is the only way. ‘How can I serve you?’ Rather than ‘What’s in it for me;’ this is truly living from the heart. Truly, truly, understand the reality that we are all One, and live from that very intimate reality. No matter how lofty your experience through your meditation, how masterful you are at life, still you must live from your heart, and elevate each other.”
Every time we feel judgmental or suppress our natural urge to help others, this 4th Sutra reminds us that we are missing something! We know (and science is slowly catching up to this yogic fact¹) that one of the best ways to make yourself feel better is to go out and help someone else.
As always, KRI is here for you with a TON of tools and resources to help you deepen your Kundalini Yoga practice and increase your connection to the value of compassion over these next 2 months.
¹ If you give a group of people $20, and instruct half of them to buy something for themselves, and the other half to use that money to help someone else; those that helped someone else reported greater increases in happiness!
From Me To You | November 2022
Highlighted tools to awaken your compassion:
Finding Peace Within Shattered Pieces
Have you ever experienced trauma, or wanted to help someone who has?
As a yoga practitioner, teacher or trainer, you probably look for ways that Kundalini Yoga can help support healing in these cases. KRI is very excited to be launching “Finding Peace Within Shattered Pieces – Healing Trauma with Yoga and Meditation”, a book written by Simranjeet Kaur, a KRI teacher trainer with a career in the Metropolitan Police Service in London. This book gives simple, practical guidance from her own personal experience, and 40 Kundalini Yoga kriyas and meditations to support your own or someone else’s healing from trauma.
This book comes with a special launch offer that will only last a few days – get 3 free gifts and a 20% discount by ordering today!
Level One Teacher Training
If you are feeling too stressed out, or worried about the future to even consider entering into a multi-month course like this; I urge you to reconsider! What better way to honor those feelings of overwhelm and worry than by giving yourself the gift of this Kundalini deep dive! You will connect with a beautiful community of other yogis, be supported by caring and loving staff every step of the way, and you’ll practice A LOT of yoga and meditation! A perfect combination to help you gather all the inner strength and tools you need to be more compassionate (to yourself and others) and to thrive in today’s challenging and chaotic world!
Taking a teacher training course can be more for your own personal growth than to become a professional teacher. And KRI breaks down this in-depth study of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation into manageable, bite-sized pieces. Our next Level One journey has NEW DATES: starting January 14th. Expect more news on this soon!
Find a training near you in our global trainings directory, or check out the online/in-person hybrid that KRI is administering here.
Level Three Teacher Training
A good analogy for our three levels of teacher training is the 3 levels of college degrees – bachelors, masters, and doctorate. In Level One, like in a bachelors program, you learn the basics. You are absorbing a large amount of new information, and we hope that you pick up (or strengthen) many positive habits to support bringing high awareness into all aspects of your life. In Level Two, like a Master’s degree, you may learn a bit more theory, but the focus shifts to application. The five modules of KRI’s Level Two programs are opportunities for you to apply and reflect the light of your own True Self through five different facets of your life. And then the unique Level Three program is like working to get a PhD. There is little to no additional classroom learning that you need in this program. Like a researcher exploring something new, in Level Three you deeply reflect on what it means to be a Teacher, and what you personally need to work on to fully manifest that for yourself.
For those of you who have taken, or are in the process of taking, your KRI Level Two programs, check out your next step – entering KRI’s unique, self-paced and largely self-directed Level Three Teacher training program.
May compassion fill our hearts – for ourselves, for our communities and families, and for our entire planet. May we value our shared humanity more than we value justifying ourselves. May we nurture and celebrate and share our inherent desire to help others.
Peace in our hearts, peace in our homes, peace in our communities, peace on our planet.
Have a blessed month,
Amrit Khalsa,
Amrit Singh Khalsa is the CEO at KRI. He earned his PhD in Aeronautical Engineering from MIT and worked directly with Yogi Bhajan coordinated the 3HO legacy businesses and non-profit organizations, including KRI. After the passing of Yogi Bhajan, Amrit Singh served as the Chair of the Board for KRI for 7 years, and its Treasurer for 2 more years. Leaving a successful career in the health-food industry, Amrit is now dedicated full-time to the work of KRI.
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