Application for Kundalini Beyond Borders Grants Now Open 

The Kundalini Beyond Borders (KBB) Program is open for grant applications for 2024! This collaborative fundraiser is sponsored by KRI, 3HO and the International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association (IKYTA). 

We invite you to submit your application to receive a Kundalini Beyond Borders grant of up to $2000 USD. Applications need to be submitted by February 18th, 2024. Before completing the application kindly review the requirements to be sure your project qualifies.  

In February a global team will review the grant applications and determine which programs will receive funding. Good luck and thank you for your service to humanity through Kundalini Yoga!

Links to apply:

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Meet The Grant Winners!

Deg Padmani Kaur (Mexico)
“Kundalini yoga as complementary therapy in patients with attempted suicide in Querétaro, Mexico”

Gurusansar Singh (Chile)
“Kundalini Yoga for the Cuban People”

Jagat Joti Kaur (South Africa)
“Every 1 is precious”

Jivan Mukta Singh (Spain)
“Supporting Ukraine in the Times of War”

Kirpal Sandeep (Brazil)
“Radiant Women – Kundalini Yoga for Women”

Pavandeep Kaur (USA)
“Decolonized Yoga and Meditation”

Saran Vedya Kaur (Chile)
“PREM A Tranquil Heart”

Simran Singh (USA)
“Creating Teachers in Ukraine with the Heart of Guru Ram Das”

Tabita Rezaire (Guyane)
“Carbet Planétarium”

Sach Dhyan Kaur (Turkey)
“Building a Kundalini Yoga Center”

“At one time there was a thriving community of Kundalini Yogis in Mozambique – but mostly they were expats. I was often the only black face in a room of white yogis. There is a longing to practice yoga in Mozambique by the people of Mozambique.”

Through this grant Bernasho had the opportunity to:

👉🏿 spread Kundalini Yoga and make it as widespread as all other kinds of yoga in Mozambique.
👉🏿 bring Kundalini yoga to Zambia so that people can benefit from the technology itself.
👉🏿 help yoga students access healing through this practice.

Two years ago, Siri Hardevi surrendered to her soul calling and started doing SEVA giving Kundalini Yoga in a Shelter for Women Survivor of Domestic Violence in Mexico City.

She is a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher and has been teaching yoga in shelters for two years. The Kundalini Beyond Borders grant supports the expansion of these classes to more shelters in Mexico City. The women in the shelter are high-risk women who needed to leave their homes and protect themselves and their children from abuse. Siri Hardevi and her trained team have served many more women who are working to uplift their lives and the lives of their children.

Within the billions of people on the planet, so many are under-represented within most yoga communities.

How do we find ways to stand in solidarity with communities that may not traditionally have access to yoga?

Yoga leaders and teachers are expanding the reach and impact that Kundalini Yoga and Meditation can have in people’s lives, supporting the empowerment of underserved populations, with the help of the Kundalini Beyond Borders program.

Your donation goes directly to a yoga teacher or trainer who is in a collaborative relationship with an under-resourced community. Through a grant selection process, a financial award will be given to bring Kundalini Yoga & Meditation materials, teaching and support to communities. Are you bringing Kundalini to an under-resourced community? Stay tuned for more info to apply for a grant, and for now, please share in the ripple effect of giving!

⇒ Pay for translation of materials 

⇒ Pay rent in lower income areas for a teaching space for these communities

⇒ Pay for food for Kundalini gathering, meditation get togethers in under-resourced areas

⇒ Give scholarships to members of historically under resourced communities, providing teacher training to them so that they can return to their communities and keep sharing

⇒ Translation of teaching materials to global underserved areas

⇒ Rent and travel costs for teaching as seva programs

⇒ Yoga manuals and educational materials, translated and written for local communities

We are currently raising money for the 2024 grants!

Standing in solidarity with communities that have been historically under-represented & under-resourced, we support leadership development in these beloved communities, creating a long term ripple effect that leads to Kundalini everywhere.

We stand heart to heart, eye to eye, shoulder to shoulder, third eye to third eye in solidarity with under-resourced communities. With all the changes of the Aquarian Age, we are continually inspired by global leaderships that serve through outreach and community relationships. The ripple effect of the work of many practitioners leads to Kundalini Yoga and Meditation reaching every corner of the globe, bringing joy through the shared experience of group consciousness & collaboration.