Welcome to the Authentic Relationship Student Portal
Welcome to the Learning Platform for Level 2 – Authentic Relationship 2022
In this space you will be able to find all the practical course information, from schedule, small group to certification requirements in order to navigate the course from beginning to end.
The videos from the live sessions will also be published during the week following each session, in the section underneath labeled as lessons.
Please enjoy this space, make it yours and connect with others.
We wish you a wonderful transformational journey!
Level 2: Authentic Relationship 2022
Training Team
For any questions, contact Inderjot Kaur at [email protected]
Course Resources
We will be doing Aquarian Sadhana every weekend on both Saturday and Sunday from 5:00 am – 7:30 am Mountain Time (New Mexico).
*Due to daylight savings time, the hour in your city might change throughout the course. Click here to check the time in your city for each weekend.
Please refer to the sadhana schedule posted below to see which Kriya will be taught each day and which group will be leading that sadhana.
You can download Japji and Aquarian Sadhana Mantras from the links below:
See Sadhana Schedule HEREYogi Bhajan Videos Level 2 Authentic Relationship
Course Day | Class Date | Lecture Name | Kriya Name | Link to Video |
Day 1 | March 16, 1982 | Relationship and the Art of Relay | A Pure Flame of Light | View Video 1 |
Day 2 | April 5, 1994 | Love is the Absolute power of Self-Totality | Reverse Adi Shakti Kriya | View Video 2 |
Day 3 | January 4, 1994 | Principles for Living: the Law of Polarity and Intuition | Facing the Challenge of tomorrow | View Video 3 |
Day 4 | July 7, 1987 | Love: Active, Reactive, and Ultimate | To heal the Wounds of Love | View Video 4 |
Day 5 | July 24, 1986 | The Life of a Teacher: Flexibility, Humility, and Compassion | Awaken the Dormant Power within | View Video 6 |
Optional. Watch On Your Own Time | July 4, 1996 | Let your Identity come from your Divinity | No Kriya in Manual | View Video 5 |
Please note that the videos and transcripts in the course have been edited, whereas the videos found in the Library of Teachings have not. You will therefore notice some differences between the links above and the printed transcripts.
- Attended 85% of online classroom hours AND completion of make up work assigned
- Participate in 85% of small group meetings during the online course portion
- Have a passing grade of 75% or higher on the exam
- Attendance to a minimum of 3 home study small group calls after the online portion of the course
- Complete a 90-day assigned meditation and send in a reflection of your experience
Additional Materials will be added to this section throughout the course.
Day 1:
Day 2:
- Ardaas Singh: Drawing 10 bodies
- Mantra Simran Kaur: Three Powerful Bonds
- Ardaas Singh: Challenges in Relationships
Day 3:
- Mantra Simran Kaur: Polarities, Problems and Paradoxes
- Mantra Simran Kaur: Meditation Truth and Oneness
Day 4:
- Kriya for Sadhana: Exercises for the Heart
- Ardaas Singh: Drawing Ages and Relationship
- Mantra Simran Kaur: Song – Rakhe Rakhan Har
Day 5:
- Amrit Vela Kaur: Meditation to Dispel Inner Anger and Gain the Neutral Self
- Mantra Simran Kaur: Trapeze Parable
- Ardaas Singh: Virtues and Values
Day 6:
Please read carefully all the steps below:
Step 1: Download the Authentic Relationships Exam
Step 2: Download the Authentic Relationships Blank Answer Sheet
Step 3: Fill out your answers in the Blank Answer Sheet according to the Exam
Step 4: Save your Answer Sheet and send it to [email protected]
Please be aware that we will only accept this exam when:
a) sent to us on the email above
b) completed fully
c) in the answer sheet we have provided
If you’d like to convert the Blank Answer Sheet from PDF to WORD format to make it easier to fill out, please search sites to convert PDF to WORD (click here to see one example)
KRI is a non-profit organization that holds the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and provides accessible and relevant resources to teachers and students of Kundalini Yoga.