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A few weeks ago, I decided to take a break from social media. It was a refreshing pause, though the real gem of this digital detox was the ” virtual house cleaning.”

I started unfollowing accounts that no longer served me, and in doing so, my algorithm became lighter and more aligned with my energy. Suddenly a post showed up on my feed that led me to reflect deeply on two concepts: achievement and expansion.

Growing up, I was taught that achievement was the key to success. From early schooling, I believed that being an achiever was synonymous with being smart, capable, and valuable. Achievement was the measure of my potential. The more I achieved, the more I proved my worth to the world.

And of course, achievement is essential at some life stages. Take high-performance athletes, for instance. Their entire careers revolve around measurable milestones—speed, strength, endurance. For them, and in certain contexts like rehabilitation or development, achieving is necessary to grow and progress. Even a baby taking its first steps, a monumental achievement, sets the foundation for all future development.

But as I’m maturing, I realize achievement can be useful but can also become a heavy burden. There’s an undeniable external pressure, an invisible force pushing me to “achieve” something—constantly. And along with that comes stress, control, and often dissatisfaction.

So, I began to wonder: What would happen if instead of pursuing achievement, I took expansion as my leitmotif?


The Shift from Achievement to Expansion

Just saying “expansion” itself feels like a breath of fresh air, doesn’t it? When I think of expanding, my body naturally relaxes. My mind lets go of the urge to control or grasp at a specific result and instead opens to the possibilities ahead. Expansion doesn’t focus on a narrow, fixed goal; it’s about broadening horizons and embracing the unknown. It’s a journey, not a destination.

Imagine mercury is melting—its liquid form effortlessly spreading, taking on new shapes without resistance. This is what expansion feels like—free-flowing, ever-growing, and full of potential. It’s not about winning or getting it done; it’s about evolving, dilating, widening, and allowing myself to take up space in a way that feels free, authentic and aligned.

I applied this new perspective to my daily practice. I used to approach my sadhana (daily spiritual practice) with a specific goal, from changing my limiting beliefs to hitting a milestone like 40 or 1,000 days of meditation. But today, I sit on my mat just to let my practice expand with me. I don’t seek to achieve anything specific. Instead, I allow myself to be in the flow of expansion—letting my body, mind, and energy grow in their own way, beyond my mind’s limited expectations.

And that’s the beauty of expansion: there’s no pressure, no control, no rigid outcome. It’s weightlessness, growth, mystery, and relaxation all in one.


Expansion in Daily Life

This doesn’t mean achievement is irrelevant—it has its place. I still honor small but significant achievements, like doing my 45-minute daily weight training routine to build muscle mass, as my orthopedist recommended, or completing job tasks that make me feel productive each day. But now, these achievements don’t define me. They are simply milestones within the greater journey of expansion!

Life is about balance—between achieving and expanding. My prayer is that we all find the courage to embrace expansion, looking and letting in experiences that allow us to live the vastness of the Infinite. Maybe the next time we need to make a decision, we can ask ourselves: Will this expand me or not?


Ready to Expand? Try This FREE Meditation

“Concentrate very humbly, because when there is concentration, the glands overwork and oversecrete. Due to this stimulation of the endocrine system, this is a good meditation for practicing on the day of the full moon. It will enhance your inner radiance.”


Meditation to Experience the Expanded Self


  1. Sit in a comfortable meditative posture with a straight spine.
  2. Rest the hands in a comfortable position of your choice.
  3. Breathe normally.
  4. Eyes are closed.
  5. Imagine you are on a mountain, and you are looking down at the town or city that you live in. Understand that what you are seeing is really inside of you. Imagine what size your head must be and think of how much it can contain. Now go up in the air until you can look at the entire United States. Go beyond this and see the entire earth. Understand that the entire planet is in your head. Expand and see the solar system. Then see the entire universe. Become the entire Universe but still be in the body. Feel the vast amounts of energy flowing through the body. Expand the little “I” into a big “I”. Go beyond time and try to grab infinity. Just expand into the vastness of yourself. In this vastness, see the light of purity. It is a glittering, simple soft light. Now imagine that this glittering soft, beautiful, pure light is in the center of your head. Focus on it. That is where the pineal gland is located. It is a most precious gem which God has put there. See nothing but light. It is blue light. It is subtle; it is warm; it is pure. It is in your head but it is as big as the Cosmos. Become pure light. Understand I am, I am.

To End:

Inhale deeply and exhale completely 3 times. Then inhale and hold the breath; exhale.



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