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- 学习如何使用昆达里尼瑜伽的教学来培养能力。
- 中立思想如何帮助您度过人生的潮起潮落。
- 如何找到自己的冥想点。
- 冥想后发现沉默的力量。
Sadhana Singh 在欧洲、美国、南美工作了 30 年,分享他一生的学习和教学经验。 他的中心思想是如何将瑜伽的教义付诸实践,并将其带入真实的生活体验。
Sadhana Singh 提供在线大师班和课程,提供实用工具来面对和深入了解时代和挑战。 可以单独或为夫妻提供与他的个人咨询。
Sadhana Singh 是许多书籍和在线培训包的作者,这些书籍和在线培训包让每个人都能接触到冥想和瑜伽。 他的最新著作《Mastery》将于 2021 年 4 月与 KRI 一起出版。
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Sadhana Singh is a Kundalini Yoga Lead Trainer committed to teach and empower new teachers and future trainers in Level 1, 2, and 3 courses internationally. An inspired author, he wrote 15 books in the past three decades about the practice, discipline, and philosophy of Kundalini Yoga and its different applications in the many fields of human life. Sadhana Singh also acts as a dedicated counselor for individuals and companies, addressing the Science of Mind and the Humanology for creativity, excellence, leadership, and success. His experience led him to develop a series of KRI Specialty Courses: “The Science of Mind and Humanology for Leadership and Success”, “Guru Leadership” and “Kundalini Yoga Counseling”. From this background, he created Aequanime, a project that holds the mission to spread the yogic lifestyle, nutrition, and techniques to help people manifest their potential. All these activities are run by Anter Vidya, an institution founded by Sadhana Singh that promotes the science of essence to facilitate human expression in every facet of life. He is the author of Mastery of the True Self: The Discipline of Love through Sadhana, Aradhana & Prabhupati and Everyday Excellence: The Art of Success, both published by Kundalini Research Institute, in 2021 and 2010, respectively.