Der Schatten des Lehrers
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Type of Experience
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When you clear away your subconscious clouds, you can become crystal clear. Then you can dwell in a place of selflessness within yourself, which is love. When you find your inner essence is love, then you find that love is the core, originating vibration of everyone.
Through delving into our own infinite shadow we contemplate and grow together. When we face our shadow with love and clarity, much is unveiled to us. The capacity to hold this depth with compassion, for ourselves and others is a key concept of these times. Together we explore how to move through the universal human predicament of the vastness of our goodness and the length and breadth of our own human shadow. As sacred, powerful and impactful as the Teachings are, the width and depth of the genesis years of the Teachings shake our identity as we face the polarity of the Teachers Shadow. When we take this as an opportunity to look within and do our own work, we move beyond the limitations of our personality into our true legacy work.
Our earthly experience is based on the balance of day and night, what is known and what is unknown, inside and outside. Each of us is given both the radiant, cozy light of our soul that is connected to all that exists, as well as what is hidden below our conscious awareness.
Mastering this inner polarity is the goal of yoga and meditation. The only way to truly accept that polarity we see in the world is to do it for ourselves first within. When we face our own shadow with courage and clarity, many gifts are unveiled to us. The capacity to hold the depth of this universal duality with compassion is a key foundation to continue growing as a Teacher of truth. Accepting what is gives us the contentment and vitality to make the impossible possible day to day.
As sacred, powerful and impactful as the Teachings are, the shadow of the genesis years of the Teachings and personality of Yogi Bhajan are an opportunity for us to go deep.
- Learn the importance of clearing away your subconscious clouds
- Understand how when we face our shadow with love and clarity, much is unveiled to us
- Explore how to move through the universal human predicament of the vastness of our goodness and the length and breadth of our own human shadow.
- Hold the depth of this universal duality with compassion is a key foundation to continue growing as a Teacher of truth.
- Realize how the shadow of the genesis years of the Teachings and personality of Yogi Bhajan are an opportunity for us to go deep.
Deva Kaur has been practicing & teaching Kundalini Yoga & Meditation for over thirty years under the guidance of Yogi Bhajan. She created Yoga Source with Karen Darrow to create a sacred space for all different types of yoga & uplifting practices to have a cozy home here in South Florida.