
Von Anfang an hat sich das Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) zum Ziel gesetzt, Kundalini Yoga so vielen Menschen wie möglich auf der ganzen Welt zugänglich zu machen. Wir glauben an die Freude der Gemeinschaft und die transformierende Kraft unserer Lehren, um uns und unsere Welt positiv zu verändern. Dies haben wir erreicht durch:

  • Die Erstellung von Lehrerausbildungsprogrammen
  • Entwickeln und trainieren Sie hervorragende Lehrerausbilder in über 60 Ländern
  • Veröffentlichung von Büchern und Handbüchern
  • Bereitstellung von Forschungsarbeiten zu den biomedizinischen Wirkungen von Kundalini Yoga und Meditation

Aber das Erstaunlichste an KRI ist, dass alle unsere Errungenschaften und Erweiterungen von Menschen geleitet wurden, die sich dem selbstlosen Dienst und der Verbesserung von Einzelpersonen und Gemeinschaften weltweit durch diese Praxis verschrieben haben. KRI ist wirklich die Manifestation der Gebete und Bemühungen der Gemeinschaft.

Seit Jahrzehnten bereichern und leiten unsere Yoga- und spirituellen Praktiken das Leben unzähliger Menschen weltweit. Diese yogischen und spirituellen Lehren, die von Hunderttausenden von Menschen in Ashrams, Schulen, Universitäten, Krankenhäusern, Studios und Heimen in mehr als 100 Ländern auf der ganzen Welt praktiziert werden, wurden von Tausenden von spirituellen Führern, Forschern geteilt und zertifiziert Yoga-Trainer und -Lehrer.

In diesem Jahr feiern wir 50 Jahre dieser Liebesarbeit. Wir möchten unsere Geschichte, unsere Triumphe und die Herausforderungen anerkennen, denen wir uns gestellt haben.

Mehr denn je suchen Menschen auf der ganzen Welt nach Wellness – körperlich, geistig, emotional und spirituell. Meditation erweist sich als weltweites Werkzeug für allgemeine Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden. Vom Kundalini Research Institute zertifizierte Lehrer und Materialien sind eine effiziente Möglichkeit, vielen Menschen Meditation und Yoga nahe zu bringen. Als KRI engagieren wir uns für die Förderung einer integrativen, zielgerichteten und dauerhaften Gemeinschaft, die es zukünftigen Generationen von spirituellen Führern, Yogalehrern und -trainern und Freiwilligen ermöglicht, die erhebende Erfahrung von Kundalini Yoga und Meditation weiterhin mit der Welt zu teilen.

In der Gemeinschaft sind wir stärker. Wir alle können eine bessere Zukunft schaffen, indem wir diese Praktiken nutzen, um uns unserer selbst, unseres Einflusses auf die Menschen um uns herum und unserer tiefen Verbindung mit Mutter Erde und allem Leben darauf bewusster zu werden. Dies wiederum hilft uns, in unseren Familien, Arbeitsplätzen und Gemeinschaften besser „aufzutreten“. Unsere Handlungen – unser positiver Einfluss auf Einzelpersonen und Gemeinschaften – definieren uns.

Wir laden Sie ein, mehr über unsere Erfolge zu erfahren, indem Sie unsere Zeitleiste unten lesen. Wir heißen Sie auch herzlich willkommen, Teil unserer Community zu werden. Nichts von dieser Geschichte wäre ohne das Engagement und die harte Arbeit unzähliger Freiwilliger möglich gewesen. Der größte Teil der Entwicklung der KRI-Lehrerausbildungsprogramme wurde von freiwilligen Komitees durchgeführt, die von dem tiefen Wunsch motiviert waren, diese Lehren mit so vielen Menschen wie möglich zu teilen. Die gleiche Leidenschaft und der gleiche Antrieb, diese wirkungsvollen Yoga- und Meditationstechniken zu teilen, liegen allem zugrunde, was KRI tut. KRI ist keine Organisation – es ist eine Gemeinschaft von Tausenden auf der ganzen Welt.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir unser Bestes getan haben, um die folgenden Meilensteine zusammenzustellen. Wenn Sie das Gefühl haben, dass wir etwas übersehen, eine Tatsache falsch angegeben haben oder wenn Sie ein Foto oder eine Geschichte haben, die Sie gerne hinzugefügt sehen möchten, senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an [email protected] !


Yogi Bhajan arrived in the West.

Yogi Bhajan landed in Toronto from India in 1968. After a few months, he got invited to Los Angeles, CA where he began teaching his first public classes. No record or transcript exists for his class – given in the Alhambra YMCA. (Photos courtesy of Ron Baird) Click and swipe…

First Summer Solstice Yoga Festival Held

The first 3HO Summer Solstice celebration was held at the Aspen Valley north of Espanola near Pilar – at the Hog Farm.

First White Tantric Yoga® course was taught.
First White Tantric Yoga® course was taught.

Yogi Bhajan began teaching White Tantric Yoga in Los Angeles, CA, USA.

Beads of Truth publications
Beads of Truth publications

Kriyas were written up in a magazine titled “Beads of Truth”. The first publication came out in 1971 and the last edition was published in Summer of 1991.

KRI began publishing the Journal of Science and Consciousness

The first installments of this magazine appeared in 1972 – 1973.  Volumes 4 & 5 (a combined issue) of this Journal became the core of the classic yoga manual Kundalini Yoga: Sadhana Guidelines.

KRI is founded
KRI is founded

MSS Gurucharan Singh (a volunteer and KRI’s first Director) and Yogi Bhajan founded KRI in 1972 and held the vision for KRI in the early 1970’s, while the team worked to manifest that shared vision, at Guru Gobind Singh Shakti Sadan, the Pomona, CA ashram. A different Gurucharan Singh (who…

First Kundalini Yoga manual “Kundalini Yoga Sadhana Guidelines” was published
First Kundalini Yoga manual  “Kundalini Yoga Sadhana Guidelines” was published

From the introduction of this classic, must-have manual for all Kundalini Yogis – “Sadhana brings us into an intimate alignment with the reality of who we are: as a creature of the Creator and as a human being. This manual exists to serve you and to help you uplift yourself…

The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan book was published
The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan book was published

From the introduction of this book – “The power of the spoken word is the most wonderful gift given to human beings. Through it, relationships are made and broken, knowledge is transmitted, and consciousness is changed. When you speak, the sound and rhythm of your words express your state of…

First ever Teacher Training program

First ever Teacher Training program led by Tarn Taran Singh & Kaur in Hamburg Germany, this was not a KRI certified course. Those were still almost 20 years away!

Lectures begin to be transcribed, edited and published by KRI

Dharam Singh Khalsa begins videotaping Yogi Bhajan’s Los Angeles classes. Siri Ved Singh Khalsa continued to travel with Yogi Bhajan recording, in audio and later in video, his classes and courses in the United States and throughout the world. Transcribing took place for many years by students during Khalsa Women’s…

The 1st “class” with audio and video was recorded
The 1st “class” with audio and video was recorded

While the Library of Teachings website has some earlier videos of community events, this is the first video recording of Yogi Bhajan teaching that we have.” From “While the Library of Teachings website has some earlier videos of community events, the first video recording of Yogi Bhajan teachings.

Teacher Training Meeting held in Europe
Teacher Training Meeting held in Europe

At the original site of the European Yoga Festival in Loches, France. Pictured in this photo, from left to right, are: Guru Jagat Kaur (Amsterdam), Karta Singh (France), Guru Jagat Singh (Amsterdam), Guru Meher Singh (Rome), Gurudass Kaur (Barcelona), Guru Sangat Singh (Berlin), Guru Das Singh (Barcelona), Tarn Taran Singh…

Teacher Training programs began to spread and be taught by more trainers.

By the early 1990s, demand for Yogi Bhajan’s teachings grew exponentially. Teacher Training programs began to be taught around the world, but were not standardized. Thus a need to unify all Teacher Training programs into a single, global school arose.

First White Tantric Yoga® course done using pre-recorded video

First White Tantric Yoga® course done with video.

Standardization of the Teacher Training program began
Standardization of the Teacher Training program began

Yogi Bhajan declaration that there should be a single standardized International Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training that should “stand up in a court of law”. And he outlined, very roughly, the three levels of instructor, practitioner, and teacher.

Teacher Training Manual published by 3HO Germany in German

Satya Singh from Hamburg compiled/authored the manual. This became one of the reference books used to compile KRI’s first Aquarian Teacher textbook.

Sat Kirpal Kaur becomes CEO of KRI

Dr Sat Kirpal Kaur was the CEO of KRI focusing on reviewing the teachings of Yogi Bhajan. She also was the Managing editor of the Khalsa Women’s Training manuals that were produced after each camp in Espanola, NM.

First teacher training advisory board founded

In 1992 the initial IKYTA teacher training advisory board was formed with a global team of trainers. This international team consisted of Nam Kaur, Satya Singh, Nirvair Singh, Hari Charn Kaur, Tarn Taran Singh, Gurudass Singh, Guru Raj Kaur, Karta Singh, Tarn Taran Kaur, and Gurucharan Singh. This team was…

1996 First edition of the The Aquarian Teacher Textbook was published.
1996 First edition of the The Aquarian Teacher Textbook was published.

The first edition of The Aquarian Teacher (the textbook for the KRI Level One teacher training programs) was published in 1996, with Guru Raj Kaur as the Managing Editor.

1996 The Aquarian Trainer Academy was established

In 1996 The Aquarian Trainer Academy was established by Hari Charn to establish a community of trainers and a step by step system to develop skills and competencies. In the beginning there were about 75 recognized trainers in North America, South America and Europe, and maybe 50 active TT programs…

Transcription of Yogi Bhajan’s lectures began

The concept for transcribing the entirety of Yogi Bhajan’s lectures resulted in a business established in Bangalore, India under the direction of Satsimran Kaur, a member of Yogi Bhajan’s staff. The first employee hired was Vijayalakshmi who came on board as a transcriptionist. She has stayed with the project for…

The Master’s Touch was published
The Master’s Touch was published

From the introduction of this book – “This is a collection of teachings from Yogi Bhajan’s Masters Touch courses, in which he explains the path of the Teacher, with compassion and a practical sense of the challenges of daily life. Yogi Bhajan brings a world view and scope of awareness,…

1998 First International Trainer Forum

Held in Espanola NM, USA at the summer solstice celebration with 35 trainers in attendance.  This grew over time to eventually having trainer Forums in the US, Europe, China, Mexico, Australia, Taiwan, Chile, and Brazil

The Mind: Its Projections and Multiple Facets
The Mind: Its Projections and Multiple Facets

From the introduction of this book – “While many meditation and philosophy books talk about the need to master your mind, this book provides practical methods to show you how it’s done. Discover a yogic approach to consciousness and psychology rooted in the teachings of Kundalini Yoga Master Yogi Bhajan,…

2001 Teacher Training Executive Committee (TTEC) was established

In the early 2000s the IKYTA teacher training advisory board morphed into the Teacher Training Executive Committee (TTEC) under the direction of Nam Kaur and Hari Charn Kaur,  to launch the Global Level 1 Teacher Training.  The chairperson of TTEC was Tarn Tarn Singh, with the help of many global…

First KRI Teacher Training held in Asia

Sunder Singh brings the first KRI certification teacher training course to Asia.

First KRI Teacher Training in West Africa

Krishna Kaur brings the first KRI certification teacher training course to West Africa.

Official translations of The Aquarian Teacher manual are made available.
Official translations of The Aquarian Teacher manual are made available.

Of course the early students were creative and used all kinds of training materials!  But the first full and official translation of the Level One Teacher Training manual, The Aquarian Teacher, was the German version published in 2003.  Then a Spanish version followed in 2007. As of 2022, the manual…

Yogi Bhajan passes away

For decades Yogi Bhajan had tried to prepare his students for his eventual, and inevitable passing. This transition was a major one for KRI, a step towards focusing more on sharing the vast body of teachings than on the man who first shared them with our community.

First KRI teacher training in China

Sunder Singh brings the 1st KRI certification teacher training program to China.

Launch of Authentic Relationship level 2 Course
Launch of Authentic Relationship level 2 Course

The first Level Two Authentic Relationship course was launched in Española, NM. MSS Gurucharan Singh wrote the original Level 2 with the support of: the following people: Nirvair Singh, Hari Kaur, Tarn Taran Singh, Tarn Taran Kaur, Guruka Singh, Shakti Parwha Kaur, Hari Jot Kaur, Gurucharan Kaur, Guru Raj Kaur,…

The Level 2 module – Conscious Communication is finalized and officially launched
The Level 2 module – Conscious Communication is finalized and officially launched

Between 2006 and 2009, MSS Gurucharan Singh (with a lot of support and contributions by many others!) wrote the original Level 2 Manuals. Contributors to the final Conscious Communication manual included: Tarn Taran Kaur, Nirvair Singh, Guruka Singh, Gurucharan Kaur, Sat Purkh Kaur, Sarbjit Kaur, Guru Raj Kaur, Shakti Parwha…

First Mind and Meditation Program was taught
First Mind and Meditation Program was taught

The first Level Two Mind and Meditation course was launched in Austin, Texas. The principal writer and course designer was Gurucharan Singh. He was supported by the following people: Nirvair Singh, Shakti Parwha Kaur, Guru Raj Kaur, Sat Purkh Kaur, Satya Singh, Nirvair Singh, Tarn Taran Singh, Tarn Taran Kaur,…

The first Lifestyles and Lifecycles Level 2 module was held.

The first Level Lifestyles and Life Cycles course was launched in Ojo Caliente, New Mexico. The principal writer and course designer was Gurucharan Singh.  He was supported by the following people:  Karta Purkh Singh, Jiva Joti Kaur, Sangeet Kaur, Nirvair Singh, Shakti Parwha Kaur, Guru Raj Kaur, Sat Purkh Kaur,…

The first Vitality and Stress Level Two Program was taught

The first Level Two Vitality and Stress course was launched in Golden Bridge, Los Angeles. The principal writer and course designer was Gurucharan Singh. He was supported by the following people: Karta Purkh Singh, Shakti Parwha Kaur, Guru Raj Kaur, Sat Purkh Kaur, Devi Dyal Kaur, Jai Jeet Sangeet Kaur,…

Dr. Sat Bir Singh Khalsa becomes KRI’s director of Research
Dr. Sat Bir Singh Khalsa becomes KRI’s director of Research

Dr. Sat Bir is still in this role in 2022, and is now collaborating with a broad Research Advisory Committee.

Beginning of the archival preservation and digitization of the media recordings in the Library of Teaching

Over 6,500 lectures on old magnetic media (audio and video cassettes and video tapes) began being archived, preserved, cleaned up, and digitized.

Rebirthing book was published
Rebirthing book was published

From the introduction of this book – “This incredible book is a vast collection of these unique techniques in the tradition of Kundalini Yoga. It gives you a powerful tool to heal the pain and overcome the obstacles which keep you from living your best – so you can be…

21 Stages of Meditation course and book launch
21 Stages of Meditation course and book launch

From the Foreword of this amazing book written by Dr. Gurucharan Singh Khalsa – “You have probably already begun the journey into meditation that this book describes. As you discover how to live a creative, meaningful human life, you may find that some lessons are pleasurable, some are painful, and…

Programming the Yogi Bhajan Library of Teaching website begun

As the project of developing a searchable database evolved. Joti Software came on the scene to sculpt and refine the final project. After several months of programming new features and streamlining the administrative capabilities of the website, the Beta Test of The Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings® rolled out in…

The first Level 3 Teacher Training gathering
The first Level 3 Teacher Training gathering

The first Level 3 Teacher Training gathering, kicking off the launch of the Level 3 teacher training program, was held in Española in the summer of 2015.

Launch of Level Three Teacher Training program in Europe
Launch of Level Three Teacher Training program in Europe

Just before the European Yoga Festival, the Level 3 teacher training program was launched in Europe in July 2015.

Pilot of a Revised Vitality & Stress Level 2 course and manual
Pilot of a Revised Vitality & Stress Level 2 course and manual

Driven by Deva Kaur, with input on the direction from TTEC, this course was completely revised and taught in Espanola. This pilot course went well, and lessons learned were incorporated into the 2021 version of Vitality and Stress. A similar redo of the other 4 modules that comprise the 300hr…

Launch of Level Three Teacher Training program in South America
Launch of Level Three Teacher Training program in South America

Taught in Spanish and in Portuguese, the Level 3 teacher training program came to South America in early 2020.

Report by An Olive Branch Issued

Sixteen years after Yogi Bhajan’s death, a number of individuals came forward and reported being harmed by him.  In response to those allegations, an independent group known as An Olive Branch was engaged to collect and assess the reports of harm and statements of support about Yogi Bhajan. (mehr …)

Launch of Level Three Teacher Training program in China
Launch of Level Three Teacher Training program in China

Taught entirely in Chinese, with participants from both mainland China and Taiwan, the largely self-directed Level 3 program was made accessible to many more teachers.

KRI 50 Year Anniversary

50 years of sharing and preserving the accuracy of the teachings of Yogi

Kundalini Beyond Borders Granting Program Launched
Kundalini Beyond Borders Granting Program Launched

With a purpose to bring Kundalini Yoga to resilient and underrepresented populations, KRI is very pleased to be launching this program. Any KRI certified teacher around the world can apply to receive a grant to support work to expand the reach of Kundalini Yoga.