40 day meditation

Using seed sounds to plant seeds of possibilities, let’s turn our hearts towards deep healing. Through listening to sound current together, our community can align and find a way through all of these intense, divisive times where this global reality is shifting/changing. As a leader in this world, you can bring healing in every action that you take.
Healing is possible through deep listening, through embodiment practices like this healing meditation that let you access the deep medicine that runs within you. Your unique energy is an individual homeopathic medicine that is completely individual and unique in time and space. The Kundalini Energy is something within and inside of you that is you. When you tap into this, you realize your potential to heal yourself and help other people. You have magic in your hands, and your ability to heal yourself and others can evolve as you practice Kundalini Yoga and stick with a daily meditation practice. You can maximize who you are, and be here for the people and animals that you are meant to serve.
Transformation continues in each of us and in our world. We continue to evolve and meditation allows peace, harmony, and healing energy to begin anew.
It’s possible through group meditation experiences, sign up today.
A weekly email motivation during the 40 days full of easy tips to promote your mindfulness, peace and inner knowing.
Get a downloadable and printable copy of the meditation.
Introductory video to meditate with, just follow along until you feel comfortable on your own.
Access to meditate, live on Zoom as a group. The date and details will be emailed to you.
Link to join Facebook 40 Day Transformation group to connect with and gain support from people all over the globe.
来自美国新墨西哥州的 Hari Charn Kaur 设想每天进行一次社区治疗冥想。 她在 Zoom 上创建了一个空间,每天都有不同的昆达里尼瑜伽老师指导小组。 参与者来自世界各地,无论是清晨还是深夜。 有些人每天都来,有些人只要有能力就来。
这个咒语利用太阳、月亮、地球和无限精神的能量来带来深度治疗。 可以念诵它来治愈自我或将治愈能量发送给任何你想要的人。 它包含八种声音,刺激脊柱中央通道内的昆达里尼流进行治疗,为我们精力充沛的身体核心带来平衡,并用新的活力充斥它。
We are looking for people who would be willing to work more closely with us during this 40 Day Meditation experience. We see this as an opportunity to get to know who is passionate and believes in the vision and mission of KRI and would like to help us reach out to more people in a sincere and authentic way, which is sharing one’s own experience.
You don’t need to be a Kundalini expert or a Kundalini teacher! This can even be your first big yoga challenge! The important thing is that you are here, that you have shown interest and you trust this Institute’s vision and mission.
If you identify with that, then we would love to hear from you!