This Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Anatomy course covers foundational aspects of anatomy and physiology as they relate to the practice of Kundalini Yoga.

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成为水瓶座老师的旅程清晰地描述为三个层次。 一级是全面的瑜伽培训体验,学习昆达里尼瑜伽的基础并体现教练的身份。 二级由五个不同的模块组成,支持转型体验;教练成长为昆达里尼瑜伽的真正实践者。 最后,第三级通过深度冥想、无私服务和精神社区来培养觉悟;一个成为老师。
成为一名瑜伽老师! KRI 对全球的昆达里尼瑜伽老师进行认证。 我们每年有 800 多名培训师和 200 多个项目。 探索并找到最适合您的计划。
KRI 为您策划 在线课程:康复、姿势、教学艺术、最佳实践和真实参与,让您加深对这项惊人技术的理解。
This Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Anatomy course covers foundational aspects of anatomy and physiology as they relate to the practice of Kundalini Yoga.
Like the moon waxes and wanes, your energy level and mood changes with every monthly cycle. These changes relate closely to the stages of your menstrual cycle. Ancient yogic teachings say that a woman has 11 moon centers on specific parts of the body. As you move through the month, energy concentrates in one moon center and shifts after 2.5 days. Similarly to the chakras, every moon center influences your mood, decisions, feelings, values and how you process the world.
To experience love is one of life's greatest treasures, a feeling that lasts a lifetime. But to lose a loved one through separation brings pain of the same magnitude of that love. The experience of heartbreak, or the emotional pain and distress following the end of a romantic relationship can be as intense as physical pain, such as losing a limb.
KRI 工作的支柱之一是继续发布有关昆达里尼瑜伽的材料,以支持您了解这项技术并深化您的练习。 详细了解如何成为 KRI 作者或在我们的商店“The Source”购买 KRI 产品。
许多练习者将昆达里尼瑜伽视为一种获得我们身心自然愈合能力的方式。 但是今天的医疗保健环境需要正式的研究和经过验证的结果,然后才能将昆达里尼瑜伽等替代疗法作为一种治疗方式纳入医学治疗。
KRI 提供集中访问有关瑜伽和昆达里尼瑜伽的研究供教师使用,尤其是在将昆达里尼瑜伽带入治疗和机构环境时。 KRI 支持和跟踪那些进行研究的人的努力,并在其发展时提供最新信息。 定期提供有关瑜伽在各种健康应用中的益处的新文章。
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