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Over 590

10k hours of
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3200+ public

The Library of Teachings has been a valued resource for Kundalini Yoga students and teachers worldwide. Here you will find a treasure trove of knowledge, with thousands of lecture transcripts, audio and video recordings, write-ups of Kundalini Yoga Kriyas and Meditations, and historical notes.

The Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings stands as a beacon of light, free of cost to all users. And now, for it to grow, we rely on your generosity.

Your donation today will help keep the website running free for users, propelling this sacred work forward. There are still more than 2800 lectures and videos to be published, hundreds of new kriyas to be written up, and we want to make the transcripts available to non-English speakers as well. That’s where you can make a difference.

Supporting the Library of Teachings is not just an investment in a digital platform—it’s an investment in the preservation of wisdom, community empowerment, accessibility, continued expansion, and the enduring legacy of Kundalini Yoga.

Sign up form for Mexico Hybrid

Sign up form for Mexico Hybrid

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