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This 3-part workshop series explores the impact of karmic patterns that the soul inherits from the father, mother and its ancestors on the relationships that you form. When the akashic field is dense with memories from the past, a strong bond is formed that ties you to the past and cuts you off from expressing and experience in your truth and traps in your small self. These ties happen in the auric field, the arc line and greatly impact the subconscious mind.

This Kundalini Rebirthing Series will support you to clear the energetic ties to past relationships, freeing you from their impact on your life today.  The kriyas and meditations taught will open up the energy gateways through the chakras to allow Kundalini to clear the 7 gates to heaven, expanding your light fully through the 10th gate, your Aura.

In this first session, we look at Karmic Imprints that we accumulate from past lovers, especially where sexual intercourse is involved. These Karmic imprints are experienced as energetic tanrick hooks (for women) and thorns (for men). Clearing the Karmic ties involves recognition, clarity and a conscious untying of the knots.

       Title: Clearing Past Lovers
       Day: Sunday – April 16
       Time: 5 PM-EST


Clearing Past Relationships Bundle - All 3 courses on sale!


Other sessions of this course are:

Title: Clearing the Mother/Father Imprint
Day: Sunday – April 23
Time: 5 PM-EST

Title: Clearing Ancestral Karma
Day: Sunday – April 30
Time: 5 PM-EST


More Information:

✨ Activate your Life Force Energy with

✨  Kundalini Yoga Kriyas

✨ Powerful Breath-work

✨ Deep Meditation

✨Sacred Mantra Sounds & Vibrations

✨ Deep Parasympathetic Relaxation

✨  Cut the energetic ties that bind you to past lovers

✨  Eradicate emotional blocks and break through negative patterns

✨  Manage unwanted haunting thoughts

✨  Heal a Broken Heart

✨ Bring loving kindness to heal the mother/father wound

✨ Communicate with your Ancestors

About Shama Kaur

I’m Shama Kaur. In Arabic ‘Shams’ means sun and ‘Sham3a’ means candle, put them together and my name means the one who shines the light of her inner soul. Originally from Egypt, I am a KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Trainer. I am also a Health and Wellness Mentor.

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$60 USD


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