Monday, November 6th 2023

in Yangshuo, Gui Lin.



After all these years of online meetings we have the blessing and great opportunity to be together again in person! This time, in the beauty of Yangshuo, Guilin, China, right after the in person MELA. Please come and join us.


This trainers in person forum is an opportunity for us to gather and continue building and expanding our Community of ATA trainers from around the world.  A time for deep discussions, connections and to remember the cozyness and wisdom that comes when we are in Sangat.  We value your presence and input.


Grab this amazing opportunity for connection, growth and inspiration!  Be a part of this special event – register now and join us!

抓住这个绝佳的联接、成长和启发的机会!成为这个特别活动的一部分 – 现在注册报名加入我们吧!

Register Here!

Developing this forum is a co-creative process between trainers and the KRI staff. Please email Ravi Prem Kaur at [email protected] and express what you would like to address in this Forum. Thank you for your input.

开发这个论坛是培训师和KRI工作人员共同创造的过程。请发送电子邮件至Ravi Prem Kaur [email protected] 并表达您想在论坛上发表的讲话。感谢您的意见。

You can also reach out to Monica, KRI´s regional administrator, for assistance regarding accommodations and logistics, at [email protected] 

如果您需要协助安排食宿,可以联系KRI区域管理员Monica, [email protected]