La vérité inconfortable
Diversité, équité et inclusion > Matériel pédagogique sur le langage inclusif et autres ressources
Si ces cellules pouvaient parler – Tiffani Mery Producteur
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
Le pouvoir de la vulnérabilité – Brene Brown
Noir, blanc et américain
LA 92
Let It Fall : Los Angeles
Le décès et la vie
de Marsha P. Johnson
Que s’est-il passé,
Miss Simone ? (2015)
Quand ils nous voient
La vulnérabilité, source de force
Micro-agressions et marginalité
Graphiques pour expliquer l'équité, l'égalité et la libération
L'addiction dans la communauté afro-américaine : L'héritage de Frederick Douglass et de Malcolm X en matière de rétablissement
Au-delà de la diversité et du multiculturalisme : Vers le développement d'institutions et de leaders antiracistes
Psychologie des profondeurs et colonialisme : Individuation, transparence et libération
Valeurs et habitudes de la culture blanche dominante
Terminologie LGTBQIA
De l'altruisme à la solidarité Graphique
Démanteler le racisme : Un livre de ressources pour les groupes de changement social
LGTBQIA+ Etiquette
birth sex natal sex | assigned sex /cisgender female/ cisgender male sex assigned at birth | |
born a girl, born female born a boy, born male | assigned female at birth (AFAB) assigned male at birth (AMAB) | |
tranny transvestite | LGBTQ+, LBGTQIA+, etc. transgender people* | The term “tranny” is considered a slur. |
transsexual (unless being used medically) | trans and gender nonbinary folks or folx | **Consider your audience when using the term “queer”; not everyone receives this word positively; many members of the LGBTQIA+ community have now reclaimed it. |
genderqueer queer** | Pansexual is another category, encompassing all genders across the spectrum. | |
*LGTBQIA: Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Bisexual, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual |
the elderly elderly people the aged | older adults |
aging dependents seniors | older people |
senior citizens | persons 65 years and older the older population |
Alfred Kinsey’s scale (1950’S)
0 | Exclusively heterosexual |
1 | Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual |
2 | Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual |
3 | Equally heterosexual and homosexual |
4 | Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual |
5 | Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual |
6 | Exclusively homosexual |
x | No socio-sexual contacts or reactions |
Three Types of Microaggresssions
Microaggressions | Examples |
Micro-Assaults | Name Calling |
Insults | Demeaning and Snobbish comments |
Microinvalidations | Psychological demeaning comments that have a direct impact on belonging. |
Ableism & Disability Status
special needs | person with a disability | Use person-first or identity-first language as is appropriate for the community or person being discussed. The language used should be selected with the understanding that disabled people’s expressed preferences regarding identification supersede matters of style. Avoid terms that are condescending or patronizing. | Use of person-first and identity-first language rather than condescending terms |
physically challenged | person who has a disability disabled person | ||
mentally challenged / mentally retarded | people with intellectual disabilities child with a congenital disability child with a birth impairment physically disabled person | ||
handi-capable | person with a physical disability |