Become a KRI Author

Thank you for your interest in publishing with KRI and please join us in our mission to bring yogic technology and a conscious lifestyle to today’s world. We like to work with authors to make our publishing house a more diverse, inclusive, and collaborative place.

We welcome you to send your book proposal and part of your manuscript for our review and consideration. Be aware that we only look at books and manuals that explain how Kundalini Yoga can change your life.

Please make sure to read the guidelines before proceeding with your submission.




* We publish books that share the life-changing technology and lifestyle of Kundalini Yoga.

* We prefer short to medium-length books (ideally between 50 and 100 pages; no more than 150 pages in Word Doc format).

* Your proposal should include the following topics: a) introduce your topic, b) explain why it is relevant today, c) who the book is for, d) what the reader will learn or gain from the book, and e) if possible, expose and compare similar books on the topic by other publishers.

* Along with the above, please add a chapter or two, with a short introduction.

* Make sure you introduce yourself, your expertise, and/or background experience that is relevant to the book you are writing.

* Make sure to include a list of kriyas and meditations that will go along with the proposal.

* Proposals made up only of write-ups of kriyas and meditations can be evaluated only if the compiler has a well-crafted proposal with a target goal. KRI doesn’t give permission for use to authors to compile yoga manuals to be published by other publishing houses.

* We currently accept submissions by email only, which can be sent to with the expression “Book Proposal” in the subject line. 

* Please attach your proposal to your email as a single Word file or PDF, and keep the file under 5MB or less to ensure delivery. 

* Please allow six months for the editors to review a proposal.




We prefer to work with freelance illustrators, artists, and photographers who are hired per project to develop commissioned artwork for books and products.

If you are interested in being considered for contract design, illustration, or photography work on our projects, please send your portfolio with relevant website and social media links to with the expression “Artwork Submission” in the subject line.