Sat Nam. Greetings from New Mexico. Wow, it is cold here – I know that many of you think of New Mexico as sunny and warm, but this winter has been full of snowfall. And how about that blood moon in late January! It was a beautiful sight in the clear skies, an other-worldly shade of red caused by the eclipse.
And speaking of the color red, February means Valentine’s Day, and that brings us the topic of “love”. Yogi Bhajan, in his years of teaching, had some wonderful perspectives on love. His message always boiled down to one concept. He said on June 15, 1994:
“Don’t forget, human love is only for one thing, to love your soul. Then, the infinite world around you will be in love with you.” On Valentine’s Day, 1996 he said, “Today is a Valentine’s Day. It has a lot of story behind it, but basically, it is a day of love. Somebody became a saint [because his] love was infinite. [So now,] we send each other cards, ‘Be my Valentine’ [or] ‘I am your Valentine.’ [In truth,] we are the Valentine. Why can't we be a Valentine of each other every day? Why don’t we have a fixed frequency? Why not? We are actually Valentines of each other.”
During this lecture, there was a fantastic Kriya. Practice this Kriya directly from this lecture with Yogi Bhajan in the Library of Teachings. It is great for “breaking your fatigue!”
Even though it is winter now, at KRI we know that summer is coming! (No dragons and no white-walkers, here.) Registration is open for our Level One Teacher Training Immersion in New Mexico and Level Two Vitality and Stress. These are great programs that will lift your spirits and open your heart!
I really hope that if you are considering becoming a teacher In Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®, that you will join us this August. And if you are already a Level One certified instructor, consider staying after Summer Solstice Sadhana for the new and revised Level Two “Vitality and Stress” program. A lot of work has gone into the V&S 2.0 revision, and we are really excited about its debut this summer.
We have a new column starting this month – Back to Basics with Kundalini Yoga. It is a look at some of our foundational skills and principles to help sharpen and focus your teaching skills and daily practice. If there is a subject that you’d like us to cover, reach out and let us know. I hope you enjoy revisiting these essentials and that it serves you.
All the best with blessings, Nirvair Singh Khalsa CEO KRI
KRI is a non-profit organization that holds the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and provides accessible and relevant resources to teachers and students of Kundalini Yoga.
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