Sat Nam and warm greetings from New Mexico.

Our June KRI Aquarian Trainer Academy Forum was fantastic! Our theme was “Culture, Community, and Communication”. Over 108 trainers attended the workshops and participated in robust discussions. It was inspiring and productive, setting the agenda for the Trainer Forums that will be happening around the world. Look for an Aquarian Trainer Academy Forum near you.

3HO’s Summer Solstice Sadhana Celebration in New Mexico was also a wonderful event. The hot days of White Tantric Yoga and cool evenings filled with stars, music, and friends – there is nothing quite like Summer Solstice! I really enjoyed attending and teaching, seeing the teachers and students who come from around the globe.

Are you a teacher of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®? Have you ever wondered what inspired some of our Legacy teachers and what they practiced? There is a manual that contains many of the kriyas that Yogi Bhajan taught in the 70’s and 80’s. The manual is called Kriya – Yoga Sets, Meditations, and Classic Kriyas from the early years of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®. I have been re-discovering them and teaching these kriyas wherever I have been traveling. Use this tool and combine it with something from the book Blessings – the Power of Prayer, a selection of Yogi Bhajan’s end-of-class prayers, and you have some really great classes to share. Now is the time for Teachers!

We still have space available in our International Teacher Training Level One Immersion Program. This challenging time is calling you to serve humanity, and there is no better way to do this than becoming a teacher of Kundalini Yoga. It encourages me to know that a lifetime of service and uplifting students is available to you as an Aquarian teacher. If you are considering that path or you know a student who is considering teaching Kundalini Yoga, there is still time to register for Level One Teacher Training here in New Mexico.

If you are in the Aquarian Academy, consider serving as a Trainer In Training. You will find details of the TNT program in this newsletter. Come be with us this August! It is an amazing experience for students and trainers alike. We are diligently working on the Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings searchable database website. Here are two new videos to inspire you to get started with your journey into the library. “Getting to Know Us” and “2018 Current Features Update” 

All the best with divine blessings, Nirvair Singh Khalsa

CEO Kundalini Research Institute