Kriya for Tolerance and Compassion
* Originally published on Sadhana Guidelines
1. Bear grip at navel point
Sit in Easy pose with the spine straight.
Eyes are closed.
Form bear grip, locking the fingers together with the right palm facing down and the left hand facing up, with the side of the hands on the navel point.
Exhale completely through your nostrils as you press the side of the hands into the navel point.
Hold the breath out briefly.
Inhale through your nostrils, holding the breath for 7 to 8 seconds.
Continue this cycle for 3 minutes.
2. Sat kriya with palms flat
Sit on the heels and raise the arms overhead with the palms flat together.
Eyes are closed.
Pull in the navel point as you say, “Sat.”
Relax your navel point and say, “Nam.”
Continue for 3 minutes.
3. Raise legs with Breath of Fire and belly laugh
Sit with your legs stretched out straight in front of you.
Put your palms on the ground behind you.
Inhale through the nostrils and raise both legs to 60 degrees.
Hold and begin Breath of Fire.
Continue for 2 minutes.
To End: Inhale, exhale, and apply root lock. Then relax into easy pose and belly laugh loudly for 1 minute.
4. Punching with breath held
In Easy pose, bring your hands into fists at the shoulders.
Inhale and then suspend the breath.
Begin punching forward (as in boxing) with alternate hands. When you must, exhale and inhale deeply to continue.
Continue for 3 minutes.
5. Alternate between camel ride and shoulder shrugs
Camel ride is similar to spinal flex. You can imagine riding a camel and perhaps feeling a rolling motion as you flex your spine.
In Easy pose, place your hands on your shins.
Inhale through your nostrils as you flex the spine forward.
Exhale through your nostrils as you extend the spine back.
Inhale and lift the shoulders up to the ears.
Exhale and drop the shoulders down.
Continue the cycle at a moderate pace with deep breaths for 3 minutes.
To End: Inhale, exhale and apply root lock, squeezing your buttocks. Relax.
This post was featured by Twinkl in their Teacher Wellbeing Blog
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