From Me To You | June 2022

The Beautiful Harmony of the Naad

Sat Naam and greetings to you!

June is the 2nd month of KRI’s focus on the theme of Harmony.  My note from last month was mostly about the harmonies possible between different people.  This month I want to share some thoughts with you about the harmony possible between us and the Infinite (please feel free to substitute the word God, your higher Self, or another phrase that works for you).

In Kundalini Yoga we use the word “Naad” to refer to a sound that connects us to the Infinite.  From the KRI Level One Teacher Training manual, “The Aquarian Teacher,” “Naad is the vibrational harmony through which the Infinite can be experienced.”  

As yogi’s we view ourselves, and everything all around us, as integral parts of the Infinite.  So we are always connected, and always a part of that Infinite reality.  The challenge is that we mostly do not experience that reality.  We remain stuck in the illusion (maya) that we are separate.  

Kundalini Yoga uses a lot of sound and mantra, which helps tune us in to the Naad, and helps us experience our union with Infinity.  And it is this harmony, the rhythmic pulse between us and God, that will help us live in the harmony of group consciousness.  Our neurology consists of both selfish and altruistic circuits.  We don’t want to (and in practice cannot) choose between them  – we have to have them in balance, in harmony.  Kundalini Yoga and meditation helps create the inner harmony, with all our component parts working together (a state we call Ang Sung Wahe Guru), necessary to manifest our highest Self – this is Naad!  

This is why Kundalini Yoga and meditation are so crucial right now.  The huge challenges facing humanity right now will only be able to be solved from a holistic, integrated, global perspective.  And that perspective is not easy or natural for most people!  A regular Kundalini Yoga practice will help.  Regularly tuning in to The Naad will help you create harmony within yourself, which will enable you to see creative possible solutions with other people.  The individual, group, and universal will all come together – which is required for the leaders of tomorrow.

Highlights of this month

Authentic Relationships Level Two Teacher Training

Everyone could benefit from focusing on creating more harmonious relationships – with ourself, our families and loved ones, and our broader circles of professional and personal connections.  This 6 day training is open to experienced students (even if you are not a KRI certified teacher), Level One teachers, and Level Two teachers looking for a refresher (get 50% off if you’ve previously taken any KRI certified Authentic Relationships program in the past).   

KRI is offering this course online in July.  Read more about this course, check out the dates and the training team, and register with a special discount here.  

There are many, many amazing KRI certified teacher training courses around the world; so I hope you will find one that works for you.They will all facilitate you gaining invaluable experiences and take-away tools for stronger relationships. Harmonious and fulfilling relationships are possible and available to everyone.  

KRI Monthly Specials

Social Justice Bundle

[insert special]

The Source Specials

[insert special]

May we allow the beauty of the sound current and a daily practice to permeate through life, harmonizing with community and the universe. May this sound of harmony flow through everyone, helping us to stay strong and support each other.

Peace in our hearts, peace in our homes, peace in our communities, peace on our planet.

Have a blessed month, and may we come together, honoring our differences while still making beautiful music together!

Amrit Khalsa,