I got this wonderful post from Dalmeet Kaur in Cape Town that I want to share with you. Thank you Dalmeet Kaur, and all the wonderful Kundalini Yoga teaches in South Africa, for your tireless service.
“We started teaching yoga in poor black communites in Cape Town about three years ago.

Mainstream yoga in Cape Town, and South Africa in general, is concentrated in mainly white and wealthy areas. ‘Spatial segregation’ caused by apartheid means that not much non-racial integration takes place in communities. We felt the urgent need to take Kundalini Yoga to our black working class townships as a pivotal way of bringing about healing and spreading prosperity.
Revolutionary Yoga is a registered non-profit organization comprising of a core group of students and trainee Kundalini Yoga teachers. Thus far we have four teachers from our communities who are doing their KRI teachers’ training. We received sponsorships for them from our generous sangat in Cape Town (Pritam Khalsa) and Johannesburg (Ravi Kaur). We use existing facilities in communities to teach Kundalini Yoga. Revolutionary Yoga negotiated a substantial reduction in the class fees for our students with Gururamdas Yoga Studio in Cape Town. This makes Kundalini Yoga accessible and affordable to our students. We also have regular classes on Wednesdays, in a Catholic Church hall in Athlone, on Saturday mornings in a community hall in Bokmakierie, and now we have added the Isikhokelo Primary School in Khayelitsha. Our students love Kundalini Yoga. The children love the mantras and they chant loudly with great joy.”
Click here for a short video clip of a class in Isikhokelo
For more information, you can reach out to Dalmeet Kaur at
[email protected]
Or at
Revolutionary Yoga
KRI is a non-profit organization that holds the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and provides accessible and relevant resources to teachers and students of Kundalini Yoga.
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