Sat Nam and Greetings from New Mexico.

We just completed our 2018 Level One Teacher Training Immersion in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan® in New Mexico USA. What a wonderful training program and great group of trainers! Our Lead Trainer, Sat Siri Kaur, was an exceptional leader and an inspiration for all. The experience the students and teachers had was one of the best ever! The deep bonds that this international group of students created with each other, and the profound inspiration of Yogi Bhajan’s teachings, was very special.

Please join us in 2019 as a student, or if you are in the Aquarian Trainer Academy, as a Trainer in Training. Become a teacher and serve your world. It is a rich and deep experience. Fall is the time of the equinox and the beginning of the school session in the Northern Hemisphere. Many Kundalini Yoga teacher trainings also start this time of year. You can sign up for Level One Teacher Training almost anywhere in the world and learn the technology of Kundalini Yoga, meditation, and lifestyle. The core of all Level One KRI Certified Trainings is that the students have a wonderful experience that prepares them to teach Kundalini Yoga and serve in the Aquarian Age. No matter where you train, you will find a consistent quality of expertise, love, care, and attention.

Yogi Bhajan’s impact on the world has been truly amazing. We have trainings in over 50 countries listed in the KRI Trainer and Program Directory. I get deeply immersed in the Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings® on a daily basis, searching for topics, concepts, and wisdom. What an amazing resource! I always like to share some technology or insight with you that has inspired me.

Here, Yogi Bhajan talks about the importance of the equinoxes:

“Today is the most important day in every human’s life. It's the equinox. We who have become civilized are the most uncivilized people. Over time, we have forgotten everything about the heavens. Through our scientific mind, we feel Jupiter just hangs there [in space]. The moon just hangs there — they are there, and we are here. Religion didn't help us either— Why [do you think] the Muslims have Ramadan? Why do people have seasonal celebrations? We were much better when we were simple. Then, we understood nature. Now, we conquer nature, harness nature and the resources, [and as a result] we have become weaker, vague. We thought through philosophies, through beliefs, through faith, that we would earn happiness. We didn't want to do the research and that is why, at certain times in the centuries, religion became most important. Religion became our reality and guidance for us, but we forgot there is a universe and we are part of the universe — and there is an inter-exchange which will never change.” Yogi Bhajan, 3/20/91 
“So dear friends, this evening we were feeling the presence of those who brought us, through their spirit, the possibility of celebrating this beautiful day. Today, the equinox, light and darkness meet on equal footing. Nobody is high today — nobody is low. We are all one. There is one God of all gods, and there is one humanity. We are all beings, that is the spirit of man, and this spirit has to be held up. Do as much yoga as you like to do. You may have occult powers, the whole world may worship you, but if you do not know the oneness of you, you are useless.” Yogi Bhajan, 9/22/73 

KRI has many resources for student and teachers. Last summer I was studying the manual entitled, “Man to Man” for a class I co-taught at Summer Solstice Sadhana. It was really fun to rediscover those classes. The book has lectures and technologies from Yogi Bhajan’s classes for men. Visit our online store, The Source, or The Source E-book Store for this book and other great books and manuals on Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. 

Nirvair Singh Khalsa CEO KRI