Aquarian Sadhana is a wonderful spiritual practice that is done daily as part of your lifestyle. It has some amazing benefits as described here by Snatam Kaur:
It balances the nervous system, supports a healthy spine, and improves digestion. I often find that when my practice is consistent, I breathe more deeply throughout the day. My digestion is good, and I feel lightness in my spine. As emotional challenges arise and my nervous system gets activated, I can stay in a strong place and do not react as strongly as I might otherwise.
It grounds body, mind, and soul with powerful affirmations. I know my practice has been good when one of the Mantras, or sacred chants of the practice, arises in my mind during the day. The energy of it fills me with positivity and joy, and it seems to keep my mind from distracting thoughts of fear, worry, and doubt. I find myself more present and in my center. The Mantras work as positive affirmations to remind me that the Divine exists within and all around me. They really work!
It helps us tap into our original light every day and meet life’s challenges better. Life can be messy, stressful, and horrible. I go through such experiences just like everyone else. However, this practice gives me a way to rise above negative sensations, if even for just a few hours. And when I descend back down into the pain and mess again, I feel lighter and stronger. The sufferings of daily life carry less charge because I have experienced a totally different reality that is full of love, strength, and joy: my orginal light. I move through difficult times with less resistance, and situations redeem themselves accordingly. Struggles seem to shift, change, and fall away.
It fosters meaningful connections and sacred community. The Sadhana has helped me create lifelong relationships, and I have felt these deep connections even after just a few mornings of meditating together. The love that arises from this practice goes beyond words, as people come together to inspire themselves and each other.
It encourages stillness and thereby promotes closesness to God. As humans, we experience desires almost constantly; desire is like the very blood flowing through our body. It’s natural that we pursue these desires, but they never really let up. A lot of good comes from this pursuit (for example, life itself), but chasing our wants and needs around and around puts us in constant motion. Accordingly, we’re so busy with the chase that it becomes increasingly difficult to be present to the reality of our lives and who we truly are. It’s well established by now that meditation promotes mental and spiritual stillness. When we become still even for just a portion of the day, we harmonize with the Universe, and the Universe begins to deliver all the joys, riches, and blessings called forth by the inner frequency of our being. And let us take it even deeper than that: What if there were nothing whatsoever to want or need? To me, the experience of feeling that nothing is lacking is the experience of God, and it is absolutely priceless. That is my soul’s longing. Any morning that I fulfill that longing is an absolute blessing.
It clears karma. The yogis tell us that there are two ways to clear our karma: through Seva (selfless service) and through Sadhana. Perhaps a thousand lifetimes ago, I lived as a selfish little worm; I crawled all over my neighbors without any regard for their well-being. The residue of those past actions are still at work today: I am still not always considerate of others, and I feel victimized when people are rude to me. Karma stays with us until we finally learn our lessons and move on. Actually, I don’t know if I ever was a worm in a past life, but I kind of feel like I was. Regardless, I was probably inconsiderate at one point or another.
Now that I’m reaching my midforties, my morning practice has
become the place to let my karma burn in the fire of my practice (or Tapas, as the yogis call it). On a subconscious level, the practice itself brings forth the residue, the truth, and perhaps the ugliness of my past mistakes, and it asks me to look at them honestly. Morning after morning after morning, I do the work of clearing this residue away, and I gradually become lighter. When I’m in a lighter place, I can more easily identify repeating patterns during the day, and I can therefore choose not to engage in the same patterns again. This cleansing process allows me to plant whatever seeds will bring good karma, good actions, and righteous living. Excerpt From: Snatam Kaur – “Original Light.”
For more information get the classic sadhana manual “Kundalini Yoga Sadhana Guidelines”

KRI is a non-profit organization that holds the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and provides accessible and relevant resources to teachers and students of Kundalini Yoga.
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