Costa Rica Hybrid

Early bird discount valid until November 3rd 2021
Discount Rate is available for School Students, Seniors (55+), Veterans and Student participants that live outside of the United States.
Early bird discount valid until November 3rd 2021
Course Prices are in USD and include: Tuition, eBook Manuals + 40% off Printed Manuals and Certification for both Hybrid or 100% Online tracks.
Rates do not include: Lodging in Costa Rica, travel or transportation, Visa or COVID tests.
$500 deposit is required to secure your spot in the training/housing option.
Training should be paid in full before December 3rd, 2021.
Payment plans are available. If you would like to set one up, please write to [email protected].
You will be able to select your housing in the registration system. Housing availability is on a first come, first serve basis.
In the case that COVID keeps us from meeting in Costa Rica, we will continue the training online and refund the on-site cost.
Air travel to and from Costa Rica is not included. Transportation from the airport to the Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort can be arranged but is not included.
To support making this course more accessible, we have the following resources available for you:
Limited partial Scholarships are available. If you would like to apply for a scholarship please schedule a call with us below. Deadline to apply November 20th, 2021.
Option A:
$500 deposit and self regulated deposits to be paid in full by the start of the course, December 3rd, 2021. This option requires no further action besides making the payments.
Option B:
$1,000 deposit before the course starts on December 3rd, 2021. The remainder of your balance will be split evenly between the 6 months leading up to Costa Rica. This option requires a signed contract and stored credit card information on file.
Please email [email protected] for more information.
For all cancellations, KRI must receive your written request for a refund emailed to [email protected].
Training Program Cancellation Fees for COVID:
Training Program Cancellation Fees for any other reason: