Granting Process
The application has been made as simple, smooth and easy as possible. You can apply for a grant by completing the application form on the KRI or IKYTA website. The maximum amount of each grant will be $2,000.
Read below for more information
2022 Application Window has closed. Please come back in November 2022 to see the new information for the 2023 granting cycle.
To be eligible to apply for the grant you must be:
- Be a KRI certified Level one teacher for at least one year
- Be in good standing with EPS
- Have an interest to expand access to Kundalini Yoga and a concrete, well thought out plan on how to do that, and
- Have a bank account where funds can be transferred or wired
Grant Application Process
If you meet the above requirements and would like to apply for a grant please complete the following steps:
Step 1 – Application Period: April 1 – May 1, 2022
Applicants will submit online applications to receive the grants. In the online application you will be asked to:
- Complete a program summary of your project (existing or proposed);
- what currently underserved population will be reached;
- how the program will help bring Kundalini Yoga to that population;
- how many people the program is expected to reach;
- a timeline for implementation (including if the program has any or some parts in place already);
- Provide a basic budget of the projected costs including any other funding that has been received for the project.
- Include two reference letters from other kundalini yoga teachers or members of the community you wish to serve.
Step 2 – Review of applications by a global volunteer team: May 2 – June 14, 2022
This team will consist of Kundalini Yoga teachers and trainers from different regions of the globe. The team will review all applications and make a decision on which projects should receive the grants based on the outlined criteria in the application.
Step 3 – Announcement of grant recipients: June 15, 2022
After the decision on the grants have been finalized, all applicants will be notified by email no later than June 15th, 2022.
Grant follow up
If you are a recipient of the grant then you must sign a letter of agreement. In accepting the grant money, you are committing to certain reporting requirements and submitted the following items:
Every 3 months (until all the money has been disbursed):
You must also submit to KRI every 3 months documents (such as receipts and/or invoices) showing how the funds were spent.
by November 1, 2022:
A progress of the project report by November 1, 2022 – a template will be provided.
At the end of the project:
A final report with high resolution photographs and/or 3-5 minute video recording on the project. The report must include
- How many people were impacted by the project
- How did you measure the impact of the project
- How will the project be sustained
- Feedback by participants in the project
- Review of objectives and how they were met or not
- Receipts and invoices for all services and products must be submitted to KRI to document how all the grant funds were spent.