Break old habits and create new ones with Kundalini meditation: Are you sitting down yet?
Many resolutions made on New Year’s Eve look a lot more overwhelming in the cold...
Transforming the Mind
The Level Two Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training is called Transformation. This is the stage in...
Celebrating Life | From Me To You | February 2022
This month, 50 years ago, the Kundalini Research Institute was founded. And from way back...
Kundalini Yoga Teachers Live to Serve. What Can We Learn From Them?
Many people know Kundalini Yoga as a celebrity-friendly practice, scientifically proven to promote health, fitness...
U.S. Surgeon General warns of looming youth mental health crisis: How Kundalini Yoga and Meditation can be part of the solution
How Kundalini Yoga and Meditation can be part of the solution? Kundalini Yoga teachers around...
Kriya for Tolerance and Compassion
Kriya for Tolerance and Compassion * Originally published on Sadhana Guidelines 1. Bear grip at...
KRI is Celebrating 50 Years! | From Me To You | January 2022
KRI is celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2022, and every month we will be launching...