Sat Naam and greetings to each one of you from The Netherlands!
This has certainly been a difficult month. In August, the independent investigation into the allegations of misconduct by Yogi Bhajan was released, commissioned by the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation. The conclusions were that this conduct most likely occurred. With deep sorrow and dismay, we accept and acknowledge the report’s conclusions. These revelations were shocking to me, the KRI board, and our entire KRI community. We reiterate our condemnation of sexual misconduct of any type by Yogi Bhajan, or by anyone else in our community.
It will take quite some time to understand the vestiges of toxic patriarchy still affect our community and to make the cultural shifts into new, more feminine, and Aquarian ways of being with each other. While this process unfolds, we know that the teachings of Kundalini Yoga have inspired and uplifted thousands of people around the world. These yogic practices are powerful tools for self-empowerment and expanding self-awareness. KRI remains committed to continuing to share these yogic tools with the world. However, there are changes that need to be made in our organizational approach to ensure that all voices are heard and all people are included. In many ways, the changes that need to happen have already begun within the hearts of our staff, trainers, and teachers.
Going back throughout history, we have seen the thread of sexual abuse in nearly every spiritual tradition. Let’s work together to understand why this occurs and break this Piscean cycle so that we can sustain a yoga-culture that is free from the power structures that propagate abuse. We will hold an open space for the work required to make this happen.
It is our time to live our values, to try new things, to confront old fears, and to evolve into the organization we’ve always envisioned ourselves to be.
Many blessings to you,
KRI is a non-profit organization that holds the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and provides accessible and relevant resources to teachers and students of Kundalini Yoga.
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