Compassionate Inventory Embodying the 12 Steps
A Fourth Step Journey through the Chakras and Emotions
The Fourth Step of 12 Step recovery involves making a fearless, compassionate inventory of yourself, your emotions, and your past. In this 9 video course, you will take a journey through the seven chakras, and the seven difficult emotions, using Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, written work, guided visualizations, and mantras. You’ll identify how the emotions show up in your body, which chakra they are related to, who in your life has been affected by them, and what support they need to resolve and heal. A 30 page ebook is included in the course.
This course is part of a larger program called Embodying the 12 Steps: Kundalini Yoga for Recovery. It is recommended that you take the 1.5 hour KRI course called Embodying the 12 Steps: Kundalini Yoga & Meditation for Freedom from Addiction, which takes you through Steps 1 through 3, but this course can also stand on its own as a way to work with difficult emotions in an embodied, chakra-based approach.
Concepts Covered in the course:
- Learn embodied practices to work with each chakra and each emotion
- Dialogue with your difficult emotions in a compassionate way to learn what they need
- Work through fear, desire, anger, grief, depression, guilt and shame through writing, movement, breath and meditation
- Develop new ways to work with difficult past experiences and set yourself up for a more healed and integrated future
- 7 hours | 7 week learning journey, self paced & pre-recorded
Why take this course:
- We all know we need to move more deeply into our recovery journey. But how? This course will inspire you to really lean into your sobriety and contemplative practice with practical life changing processes.
What does this course include:
- You will receive a free chapter of Embodying the 12 Steps
- Meet the author of Embodying the 12 Steps, grow deeply in your recovery journey
- Meditations and experiential components- Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
- Take the learning at your own pace by watching the recording and participating in this learning journey!