Best Sellers

Understanding the Biomedical Science Behind Yoga and Kundalini Yoga Research

Understanding the Biomedical Science Behind Yoga and Kundalini Yoga Research

Dr. Sat Bir Singh clearly lays out the science behind how yoga works in easy to understand language, how meditation leads to self regulation and reviews the existing published research studies on Kundalini Yoga.

Power of the Navel

Power of the Navel

The path forward can often become unclear and it's easy to feel lost. By centering and activating the navel point, recognize your inner strength and build clarity to walk your path confidently.

Celestial Communication for the Heart,

Celestial Communication for the Heart

Are you ready for heart centered life fulfilling TRANSFORMATION? Celestial communication is the “danciest” kind of meditation. In the space of the creation of new movement, the body relaxes and eases. Awaken the flow of your heart’s song with fluid & feminine meditations and tap into your infinite LOVE.

Course Catalogue

11 Moon Centers

11 Moon Centers

Like the moon waxes and wanes, your energy level and mood changes with every monthly cycle. These changes relate closely to the stages of your menstrual cycle. Ancient yogic teachings say that a woman has 11 moon centers on specific parts of the body. As you move through the month, energy concentrates in one moon center and shifts after 2.5 days. Similarly to the chakras, every moon center influences your mood, decisions, feelings, values and how you process the world.

Healing a Broken Heart

Clearing Past Relationships: Healing a Broken Heart

To experience love is one of life's greatest treasures, a feeling that lasts a lifetime. But to lose a loved one through separation brings pain of the same magnitude of that love. The experience of heartbreak, or the emotional pain and distress following the end of a romantic relationship can be as intense as physical pain, such as losing a limb.


Clearing Ancestral Karma

In this third session, we look at Ancestral Karma. This is an opportunity to experience the energetic presence of your ancestors and to identify key lessons, patterns and rituals that may serve your soul as it moves towards its destiny or your Dharmic path.


Clearing the Mother/Father Imprint

In this second session, we look at Karmic Imprints that we accumulate as a consequence of our parental upbringing. The energetic imprint that our Mother/Father leaves on our personality, is undeniably strong and affects both the relationships that we form and also the roles that we play in life. The practices are geared towards diving into the subconscious to release the memories of the past.


Clearing Past Lovers

In this first session, we look at Karmic Imprints that we accumulate from past lovers, especially where sexual intercourse is involved. These Karmic imprints are experienced as energetic tanrick hooks (for women) and thorns (for men). Clearing the Karmic ties involves recognition, clarity and a conscious untying of the knots.


Deep Dive Immersion: Mind and Meditation with Nirvair Singh and Amrit Singh

This online Deep Dive Immersion “Mind and Meditation” is a great opportunity to intensively study and practice the yogic science of the Mind.


Deep Dive Immersion: Sound and Mantra with Dev Suroop

Are you ready to reveal the beauty and power of your inner voice? Sound and Mantra are two essential keys to Kundalini Yoga teachings, they can give you a high experience of your inner self and Universal Consciousness. From the Level 1 Teacher Training, Dev Suroop guides you through a Deep Dive, where she presents solid scientific evidence of the benefits of meditation, mantra, and sound. These practices are healthy for the mind, brain, and of course for your daily yoga practice. An accomplished musician, recording artist, and Lead Trainer in the KRI Aquarian Trainer Academy, Dev Suroop strives to guide students to their empowered authenticity. Come and reset your mind and stop its tricky games through the practice of chanting mantras and sacred sounds!


Deep Dive Immersion: Posture, Alignment and Breathwork with Sat Siri

With this immersion, you will become more aware and connected with your physical and energy bodies. From the Kundalini Yoga perspective, human beings don’t consist of just one body, but rather ten!

Experiencing Liberation while Alive

Jiwan Mukht – Experiencing Liberation while Alive

Death and loss are universal experiences, which we all experience in our lives. The experience of death and loss are never convenient, and everyone responds to them differently. For some, death is an ending, a tragedy, a wall of sorts; for others, it is a beginning, a door or an opportunity for tremendous personal growth and transformation. With training, we can prepare ourselves to view and respond to these transitions with more grace and inner serenity. We can also help others in their own transformative journey.


Body Inclusivity with Dr. Ramdesh

Ramdesh Kaur shares with the Academy and Kundalini Yoga Teachers how to be sure to use welcoming and inclusive language for all body types. Posture delivery cues, ways to allow and support all kinds of expression of this beautiful human body to feel welcomed, comfortable and safe in your Kundalini Yoga offering. Dr. Ramdesh has years of experience in inclusion work, being a member of the deaf community and also working with women around the world to embrace and love their body throughout all stages of life.


Understanding Pedagogy and Adult Learning: Tips and Ideas for Kundalini Yoga Teachers

This workshop on adult learning helps and guides you to keep in mind the pedagogical viewpoint in teaching yoga. It is possible to have a lot of fun and learn meaningful things at the same time! We address questions such as how to keep students engaged? How to deliver complex topics in interesting and digestible ways? What are safe and effective ways to promote self-discovery and self-reflection? How to help students take good ideas into practice in their daily lives?


Beyond Self Care

Join Gurumukh Mark Harris as he talks about intersectionality and the multiple external systems of discrimination and internalized oppression intersect, interact and force multiply. What we call social justice and civil rights struggle, has a millennia long history and praxis, rooted in cultures of tradition. If we explore the civil rights/social justice movement through our understanding of yoga; the inner warrior for social change emerges.


A Yogic Approach for Grief Recovery

Grief can grip our heart, mind and body in so many unique ways. Each person's journey is individual and grief can feel so isolating. And when we experience multiple loss, we can feel disoriented, overwhelmed, depressed, and cut off from our inner wisdom. This webinar explores the real lived experience of the many facets of grief.
It provides a compass to navigate our varied reactions as the pendulum swings through the stages and emotions of the loss. How and when to start the process of Grief Recovery makes a difference. We begin with centering into our embodied experiences, recognizing the truth of our own being, and coming back to trust ourselves as we integrate the loss as profound and meaningful change.


Healing with the Siri Gayatri Mantra

Renowned sound and mantra expert and musician Dev Suroop Kaur reveals secrets to healing with this special mantra: Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung. She will share her research, experience, correct pronunciation and ways that you can use this mantra in your life to help heal and help others heal. Join us for fun, warmth and exploration of this most beloved of Kundalini Yoga mantras.

Protection from Viral Illness

Protection from Viral Illness

Join Dr. Shanti Shanti Kaur as she shares about our collective immunity with specific information about viruses and how to strengthen the immune response in the face of pandemics.

Avoid Screen Fatigue: Beat the Zoom Blues

Avoid Screen Fatigue: Beat the Zoom Blues

Join Dr. Shanti Shanti Kaur in this webinar about how to beat the Zoom Blues. In this course, you will learn about screen fatigue and the impact it has on your health. You will experience special ways to build capacity and relief for having too much screen time.

Finding Hope in Isolation

Cold Depression: Finding Hope in Isolation

Join Dr. Shanti Shanti Kaur as she talks about the effects of isolation. In this course, you will learn about what Cold Depression is, how to identify it, and how it shows up in the body. You will also learn ways to create a space of self-care and find hope.


Rebirthing Kriya with Sat Siri

Join us as teacher Sat Siri brings rebirthing kriyas for a unique opening and revelatory experience on the mat.


Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Yogini

Meditate and learn with experienced Diversity, Equity, Inclusion teacher Vedya Amrita Kaur. Create the ability to have these conversations in a safe space. Understand the lived experience of a black yogini in our community. See through the other’s eyes. Develop the muscle for genuine dialogue and move forward in support.


Dance Break with Adarsh!

Join us for a pre-recorded, but much needed dance party in the E-Learning Center! Bring your desire to move in your body, no expertise necessary!

Improve your Relationships

Improve your Relationships – Understand how the Tattvas Influence Relationships

This webinar explores how the Tattvas are present in each of us and how they influence our relationships, including the one we have with ourselves.

Social Justice Resource: Embodying Anti-Racism: Being the Change

Social Justice Resource; Embodying Anti-Racism: Being the Change!

Embody anti-racism and become the change you want to see in this world! As yogis when we hear these words
"I Can't Breathe" -George Floyd
we feel into this as a mighty call to action to awaken our beloved community to do anti-racism work. Please join us as we explore cycles of oppression, history of racism and uncover how and where we can help our world heal. This 6 week series met live in June 2020 and now exists as supportive content/journaling AND an ongoing monthly call for yogis, teachers, trainers everywhere who want to awaken to understand how to use our privileges in service to end racism.


The Path to Forgiveness

The capacity to forgive is shaped by the past and impacts both the present and future. In yogic terms, we carry the weight of the past not only in our subconscious but also in our Aura, the seventh body. We record the accounts of those who have hurt us deep within our magnetic field. As much as we may want to forgive others, how is that possible without first forgiving ourselves?In this workshop, Shama Kaur explores the virtue of forgiveness in association to the 7th body (the aura) and the quality of being revengeless and fearless. It provides the opportunity to explore your relationship with forgiveness towards yourself, towards others and to make adjustments that pave the way for releasing the old accounts to lighten the load on your magnetic field.


Revolutionary Love: Open Your Heart to Social Justice

This is a time where we see violence and pain in the world. This urgent moment is calling for us to change and to connect. We need to understand the path for transformation and empathy to survive these challenging times.


Priestessing the New Paradigm: Sisterhood Rise!

This course will take you deeper into your healing as a woman. We need this support in these times to break through the old paradigms, the old software and move into our full empowerment as women.


Close the Gap between Self & Social Awareness: How to Unpack Cultural Biases, Privilege, & Micro-Aggressions

This course is part of KRI’s ongoing exploration of Diversity Equity & Inclusion and a community project for creating safe spaces in yoga.

Compassionate Inquiry

Compassionate Inventory – Embodying the 12 Steps

The Fourth Step of 12 Step recovery involves making a fearless, compassionate inventory of yourself, your emotions, and your past. In this 9 video course, you will take a journey through the seven chakras, and the seven difficult emotions, using Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, written work, guided visualizations, and mantras. You’ll identify how the emotions show up in your body, which chakra they are related to, who in your life has been affected by them, and what support they need to resolve and heal. A 30 page ebook is included in the course.

Conquer Your Minds Trips: from Hell to Happiness

Conquer Your Minds Trips: from Hell to Happiness

Everything starts from a simple detail that we may have overlooked and from there we start into a painful journey of trapping ourselves. You find yourself entangled in a complex trap, a spider web woven by you! Your mind makes this trap….and your mind can unmake it. But How?

Intuition: Mindful Reflection for Joyful Wellbeing

Intuition: Mindful Reflection for Joyful Wellbeing

This webinar is an introduction to the refined mind. A refined mind is the first step in becoming a Yogi; a person that is not subject to the opposites. We will practice several Kundalini meditation kriyas. This webinar is for everyone on any level that enjoys the benefits of Kundalini Yoga.

Join us today!

40 Day Meditation: Into Bliss Meditation

Join us for 40 days of “Into Bliss”, a meditative practice from 1972, a vintage piece of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.


The Entanglement of Mind and Consciousness

Join us in an experimental and meditative journey exploring the double entanglement of ego with mind, and of the ego-mind complex with consciousness.

Understanding the Biomedical Science Behind Yoga and Kundalini Yoga Research

Understanding the Biomedical Science Behind Yoga and Kundalini Yoga Research

Dr. Sat Bir Singh clearly lays out the science behind how yoga works in easy to understand language, how meditation leads to self regulation and reviews the existing published research studies on Kundalini Yoga.


Cultivating Happiness E Learning Series

Date/TIME: Wed. Feb. 16, Feb. 23, and Mar. 2 7-8:30 pm ET. Watch replay if you cannot join live! This amazing learning journey is available to readers of this book and all other educators from all backgrounds. Maximize your time with your community, focus and discover new methods of teaching with heart centered impact.

The Roots and Context of KYATBYB

Bhajan’s Yoga: The Roots and Context of KYATBYB

This is the presentation of a research paper, funded by a grant to Loyola Marymount University, that explores the origins of the practice of Kundalini Yoga As Taught By Yogi Bhajan (KYATBYB).

Legacy and Lineage of Kundalini Yoga

The Golden Chain Within You: Legacy & Lineage of Kundalini Yoga

What does it mean to become a part of the lineage of the golden chain? Embrace your past, present and project into the future as a teacher that leaves a mark of the legacy of teachings.

Becoming a Yogi

Becoming a Yogi: The Connection between Addiction, Vitality & Relaxation

Tommy Rosen, with over 20 years of experience in addiction recovery and yoga, presents what works and what doesn't in a recovery process.

African Roots of Kundalini and Social Justice

The Yoga of Intersectionality with Gurumukh Mark Harris

Intersectionality is where multiple external systems of discrimination and internalized oppression intersect, interact and force multiply.What we call social justice and civil rights struggle, has a millennia long history and praxis, rooted in cultures of tradition. If we explore the civil rights/social justice movement through our understanding of yoga; the inner warrior for social change emerges.

Power of the Navel

Power of the Navel

The path forward can often become unclear and it's easy to feel lost. By centering and activating the navel point, recognize your inner strength and build clarity to walk your path confidently.

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation for Freedom from Addiction

Embodying the 12 Steps: Kundalini Yoga & Meditation for Freedom from Addiction

We are all on a healing journey and so often ISSUES & CHALLENGES arise for us to work through.
 By combining the power of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation with the wisdom of the 12 Steps of Recovery we can fully embody these meditative and practical tools. We can then heal and continue our evolution towards personal freedom.


The Experience of Awareness©®: Joy, Energy and Healing

This course has two specific meditation experiences. They each shift your energy and connect you to your powerful capacity for joy, love, energy, and healing. Each one does it differently; they combine different steps as music combines cords into melody and composition.


Superhealth: Kundalini Yoga & Meditation for Addiction Recovery

Learn to apply yogic science to a variety of addictive substances and behaviors. This highly-effective and specific approach has been serving since 1973, developed by Yogi Bhajan to help integrate the body, mind and spirit from recovery to self-discovery.

Dying as You Live

Dying as You Live: Karma, Dharma and Reincarnation

In this human experience, we can’t be free unless we face these questions and live our lives in awareness of the ultimate transformational force of death.

Emotions & Relationships affect Decision Making

Alive Leadership: How Neural Markers, Emotions & Relationships affect Decision Making

This course will empower you to understand the brain functions and how circular leadership models can transform the orientation of the workspace! Learn how the complex system of the brain-body responds to different environments and how you can potentialize it.

The Business of Yoga

The Business of Yoga

Are you ready to learn how the spiritual teachings and your practice can help you be more successful in your business?

Join Faith Hunter MBA, yoga teacher and successful business owner, for a renewing, innovative approach to yoga as a business and tap into your power; projecting your passion for wellness.

Feminine Dimensions in Meditation

Feminine Dimensions in Meditation

Can we explore meditation from the yin counterpoint of deep inner stillness? Ardas Kaur brings healing coolness to the art of meditation. It’s time for an embodied meditative experience, the magic of the feminine. This class will invoke a deeply lunar and meditative experience.


The Ten Light Bodies of Consciousness: Numerology with Nirvair

Reach your potential by engaging your Ten Light Bodies of Consciousness, the Kundalini Yoga System of Numerology. Discover and learn about yourself through The Ten Light Bodies of Consciousness, the Kundalini Yoga system of numerology! This system is simple, easy and fun.

Celestial Communication for the Heart,

Celestial Communication for the Heart

Are you ready for heart centered life fulfilling TRANSFORMATION? Celestial communication is the “danciest” kind of meditation. In the space of the creation of new movement, the body relaxes and eases. Awaken the flow of your heart’s song with fluid & feminine meditations and tap into your infinite LOVE.

Anatomy of Naad Yoga

Anatomy of Naad Yoga

The science of Naad Yoga has such a profound effect on us, and yet we know very little about the technology behind the experience. In this workshop we will explore the resonance of sounds within the body, bringing awareness to the Naad (sound current), thus empowering our voice and mantra practice.


Yoga for Adults with Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities

Learn and develop the skills needed for institutionalized healthcare settings. Yoga for Adults with Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities enhances choice for people in institutionalized settings and allows for greater autonomy support.

Womb Medicine and Kundalini Yoga

Womb Medicine and Kundalini Yoga

We are all connected to the womb whether we have one, let go of one or do not have one. Each of us entered into this world through a womb and we have the opportunity to heal deeper and access healing lineages of trauma to the collective womb.


Anatomy of Kundalini Rising with Dr. Japa Khalsa

Secrets of the Kundalini revealed. How Eastern Medicine and Ayurveda reveal the origin of Kundalini energy within the body and how this inner elixir restores health and renews consciousness.


Healing the Healer: On the Mat – Leveling Up

Life can be a source of giving - but if we do not remain centered and supported - we may find ourselves feeling drained. As healers, or those on the path of offering light, it is essential that we continue to accept the healing flow of the universe. In this class we will open the flow of our meridians - to enhance our physical vessel - through kriya and soulful meditations.

The History of Kundalini Yoga

The History of Kundalini Yoga

In this top-selling course, we will dip our toes into the river of history, and get a glimpse of where “yoga” began, how it changed and developed over time, and how it got to where we are today.


Postures: Uplift your Asana with Sat Siri!

How to teach postures in trainings and workshops more effectively. Bring nuance and subtlety to your delivery. The grounded foundation of all yoga teaching is Asana and postures. Share this love of movement with your students and embrace and deepen within the clarity of your own body.

The Rescue of the Father: Fall and Rise of the Masculine as a Spiritual Quest

The Rescue of the Father: Fall and Rise of the Masculine as a Spiritual Quest

The fall of the father is a universal myth story that we all know deep within our hearts and lived experiences. Pondering the archetypal stories of Hamlet, Pinocchio, ancient Egyptian mythology or the Lion King we breathe deeply into the loss of a shattered idol and the potential for growth as we move into authentic autonomy. Our hero self strives to either redeem or rescue the father and what he represents.

Through the Lens of Japji Sahib

Purposeful Play of Polarity: Through the Lens of Japji Sahib

Have you ever thought about what the purpose of polarity is? Through Japji Sahib we can comprehend this purpose and navigate the ongoing dance of polarity always present in the world. 

It may seem like the world has never been as divided and polarized as it feels right now!  But the play of polarity is as eternal as life itself! 


Self Regulation: Help your Students in Crisis Return to Center

We notice now more and more people are dysregulated. With the influx of information and global events; people need support to maintain calm and peace in the face of society’s over-stimulation. Dharma Singh shares his years of helping people while running a spiritual funeral home in Germany; how to support people in crisis and then get them the help that they need. This work stems from years of helping people in crisis, so that yoga teachers have a few simple and impactful techniques to quickly bring folks to center. Teachers and trainers will appreciate learning ways to actively support their communities and know what to do before emergency support arrives. This is not medical training or therapy, but a support process for teachers, of course, all teachers are supported to call 911 or their country equivalent first, then help your student to help themselves.

How Kundalini Yoga Works

How Kundalini Yoga Works: HRV & Polyvagal Theory

Dr. Anne Taylor explains the ancient wisdom of Kundalini Yoga from a scientific approach. What is meant by the “central tuning string” of the body, and how the heart is more than just a pump…. She shares her woven studies of ancient cultures and modern science to support the Kundalini Yoga community in the depth of how the technology works!

The Shadow of the Teacher

The Shadow of the Teacher

When you clear away your subconscious clouds, you can become crystal clear. Then you can dwell in a place of selflessness within yourself, which is love. When you find your inner essence is love, then you find that love is the core, originating vibration of everyone.

Journey through the Chakras

Journey through the Chakras

What are the chakras? Are they real or just imaginary? How were the chakras understood in classical Indian practice and philosophy? Get ready to throw away what you thought you knew about chakras and approach the subject with a beginner’s mind.


How Yoga Works in Trauma Recovery: The Scientific Foundations

Dr. Julie Staples (Guru Parkash Kaur) presents scientific research showing how yoga works to heal trauma symptoms.


Conversation as Kriya: Dialogue as a Teaching Tool

The program will explore the multi facets of communication of a trainer or teacher.


Pedagogy 101: Teaching the Adult Learner

This 6 part series will help you to be fully confident in making transformational topic delivery in your teaching and it will definitely transform your Level One Training.